I have an adult wraith pet and when I finally got someone to hatch with (fairy queen) all I got was another wraith! Is this some kind of glitch? When I asked the other person what they got all they got was another fairy queen. Thanks Jasmine Jadestone Grandmaster
I have an adult wraith pet and when I finally got someone to hatch with (fairy queen) all I got was another wraith! Is this some kind of glitch? When I asked the other person what they got all they got was another fairy queen. Thanks Jasmine Jadestone Grandmaster
What were you expecting to get? Hatching with a Fairy Queen will either get you a fairy queen or wraith. There is no hybrid by crossing these two pets.
Your new Wraith just might have a healing ability though... have you trained it yet?
This is exactly how hatching works. Usually you get one of the parent pets, but rarely you get a hybrid. Your new pet should be able to manifest a combination of talents from both parents' talent pools.
if you hatch with someone and you both got their own pet back, try reversing the order that you both clicked into the hatching as well as swap who clicked first once inside. Seems to work for me.
It's not a glitch. The pet you receive from a hatch will be either yours or theirs -- It's purely random. Keep trying and you'll eventually get the pet you want.
Nope, no glitch. The pet you got back would have been either a Wraith or a Pixie Queen; which one of those two pets you received in the hatch was random chance. Not all pets and pet combinations create a hybrid, and there are no Wraith / Pixie Queen hybrids.
Miranda Nightsinger, Archmage Necromancer Scarlet Windhammer, Adept Pyromancer