This is the process that I think is required to get pet talents that you want:
Select a good pet with at least one of your desired talents
Hatch with another pet with a desired talent
Train your pet up to mega and see whether it got the desired talent
repeat until you have all wanted talents
In my opinion, this process doesn't seem very efficient and I am wondering whether this is right. Please let me know if I am wrong and post the correct (or a better) process.
This is the process that I think is required to get pet talents that you want:
Select a good pet with at least one of your desired talents
Hatch with another pet with a desired talent
Train your pet up to mega and see whether it got the desired talent
repeat until you have all wanted talents
In my opinion, this process doesn't seem very efficient and I am wondering whether this is right. Please let me know if I am wrong and post the correct (or a better) process.
Sarai Thunderstrider Grandmaster
This guide gives a general idea of how to get pet training/hatching off the ground. They have other guides that are interesting also.
Replace 3 with "waste all your mega snacks" to make the guide more accurate. Don't train it to Mega, that's hard. Just make sure that your pet can manifest all desired talents and train it until mega or failure, in which case hatch again.
You can use the talent order list on 101Central to see if the talents you wanted passed in a hatch. If not, don't train all, just hatch again. If you got the talent on the pet, train to adult. If you get things you want keep going, if not hatch again. You don't want to train to mega unless everything is good at the lower levels.