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Forest Lord Pet May cast???

Dec 22, 2008
I had to hatch 4 times for my forest lord and I STILL haven't gotten anything good like: may cast spritely, life blade, life shield and life trap. I keep on getting ice resist and health, does anyone know what pet games I have to play to get spritely and life blade???
Those 2 are the ones I really want for my pet. I've been playing Grumpy Gobblers. I know that the talents for my pet is random, but do playing different games help the accuracy of getting something good?
Thank you!

Mar 10, 2009
No the games have nothing to do with it. The traits your pets get are set at hatching. Just keep looking for other pets with those traits you want and keep trying. I still don't have a good Forest Lord pet either but I did manage to get a couple that would at least cast Spritely but it took lots of hatching to do it.