I just logged on yesterday at night and the download took 30 minutes to load, I understand this, it's a big update! But, when I got on, I couldn't see my character or my mount! I did Ambrose's pet quest finding my away around by memory and searched for the pet place. I finally found it, invisable. After the whole line of quests. I was still invisable, so were all the NPCs and other players. Anyone else had this problem?
I just logged on yesterday at night and the download took 30 minutes to load, I understand this, it's a big update! But, when I got on, I couldn't see my character or my mount! I did Ambrose's pet quest finding my away around by memory and searched for the pet place. I finally found it, invisable. After the whole line of quests. I was still invisable, so were all the NPCs and other players. Anyone else had this problem?
While I was playing late last night, from time to time I went away. Most of the time I was still downloading background files. It seemed to clear up after that.