unlock your mega only pet's 6th talent for 2000 crowns. No training needed. Pet needs to be mega already. How does this sound to fellow wizards? I would pay on several of my pets ;-) how about you?
Re: 6th talent slot unlock - good for ki and players
Personally I wouldn't spend 2000 crowns on a 6th slot. There are too many talents as it stands now that people don't want. Now could you imagine the outrage after spending 2k in crowns to get a selfish talent in the final slot? I would however like to see KI release all of the slots and more pet snacks that give higher training amounts though. Maybe through crafting something in between the cereals and the mega snack packs. It would be nice if you could sell stuff to the bazaar that are drops for crowns seeing how somethings are crown only no auction, but doubt that will ever happen.
Re: 6th talent slot unlock - good for ki and players
The sixth talent is completely random as are all the other talents. One wizard with the same pet may unlock spritely at adult while the other wizard didn't until epic. The "unlock talent" would make no difference at all. It would be a waste of crowns because the talents are completely random.
Re: 6th talent slot unlock - good for ki and players
Grace Dreamrider on Apr 16, 2014 wrote:
The sixth talent is completely random as are all the other talents. One wizard with the same pet may unlock spritely at adult while the other wizard didn't until epic. The "unlock talent" would make no difference at all. It would be a waste of crowns because the talents are completely random.
that isn't true grace.
all pets have their own list of potential talents and if you hatch with a pet long enough you can see that there is a pattern to what they unlock so it isn't very random.
and the talents you get from hatching pets is even less 'random' than a first generation pet. the talents you get is largely based off what the parents have or what they will have in their list of talents.
this is how people hatching for specific talents are able t obtain them. if it was all randomized as you say, then pets with talents such as spritely or fairy friend would be much more rare to find because it was be difficult to get a pet with all the ideal talents you desire.
Re: 6th talent slot unlock - good for ki and players
I would do it for sure, but making it just for crowns isn't fair. It would give too much advantage to players who could pay, so it should be unlocked by training like the other levels.
I don't think it will ever happen but i have a few pets picked out just in case :D
Re: 6th talent slot unlock - good for ki and players
Grace Dreamrider on Apr 16, 2014 wrote:
The sixth talent is completely random as are all the other talents. One wizard with the same pet may unlock spritely at adult while the other wizard didn't until epic. The "unlock talent" would make no difference at all. It would be a waste of crowns because the talents are completely random.
If you know your pet has more good talents to unlock it wouldn't be a waste. You would just be adding another thing to your favorite pets.