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Test realm pet talent

Mar 14, 2011
Hello guys. I wanna know one thing. If a pet gets certain talent on test realm, does it always get the same talent in real game too?

Mar 12, 2018
giorgi035 on Oct 24, 2018 wrote:
Hello guys. I wanna know one thing. If a pet gets certain talent on test realm, does it always get the same talent in real game too?
Yes Indeed, whatever your talent your pet manifests in test realm it will manifest in live realm. Many wizards take advantage of this test realm benefit to get a sneek peek at what talents their pets will manifest. I hope this helps.

Nathan Darkhorn

A+ Student
Dec 24, 2009
Yes. Talents you see in test realm will be exactly the same as talents your pet will develop in the regular realm.

Alia Misthaven

Aug 03, 2014
I know I am reiterating what has already been said, but I wanted to explain it a wee bit more

The talents your pet will manifest are set at hatch. Nothing can change what it will learn - the snacks you use, the game you play etc...nothing with change the talent that manifests. So yes, when we train a pet in test we do reveal the talents it will get in live realm.

The stat bars tell us what talents they will affect. The is NOT about helping the pet manifest certain talents, it is about the percentages we will get for various talents. Notice that none of them mention maycast talents, since these are triggered by specific activity within the battle, not the stat bars we have filled. The same can be said for energy talents, the amount of energy they give is a fixed stat and it doesn't change when we fill the stat bars.

We can use this to our advantage by recognising which bars need to be filled for the talents our pet has. If we are going for damages and resist we get our maximum percentages by filling strength, agility, will and power...we don't need to fill intellect at all! This is very useful to know as the best snacks to fill it are lower than those to fill the other bars...we can save a lot of energy and level our pet faster by ignoring this stat bar completely. My damage/resist pets do not fill this bar at all.

If I want to add an accuracy jewel though, which can be especially useful to my lower level wizards, it is worth the extra time, energy and snacks to fill it. Later when my wizard is higher level they can change the accuracy jewel for something more useful to her, but in the mean time she will get the full advantage if that bar is full.

I hope this helps and good luck on your pets! I hope they manifest awesome talents and you make some real beauties!