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Pet Shelter in the Pavilion

Jan 08, 2011
Greetings! This is my first post on the message boards, but I've been playing for probably about ten years now? Something like that. Anyway, here's the first of several thoughts I've had over the years.

I have a LOT of pets. FAR too many. More than can fit in my houses, far more than I plan on training, and even across all seven of my wizards it would take too long to spread 'em out, making it more of a hassle than it's worth. However, the animal person in me is NOT interested in just selling them to whatever vendor will take them. So here's my idea:
A Pet Pavilion Shelter!

This would involve having what is essentially a bazaar system in place solely for wizards to leave their unwanted pets in exchange for maybe some form of in-game currency. Those pet peppers or whatever? Maybe tickets? With this system in place, pre-existing pets that have possibly already been leveled up to a certain point (or are just freshly hatched) can have a chance at being adopted as a sort of rescue pet. Furthermore, if you changed your mind and wanted yours back, you could purchase it back within a certain window of opportunity, say the first few hours before it goes live in the shelter.

I don't know if this has ever been a concern for anyone else, but I think it could just add another level of grounded fantasy to the in-game world. Anyway, what does everyone think?