I need a pet with double or triple fire damage plz
I have a pet right now that has pain giver and proof and may cast healing current. I hatched a pet with someone who had triple for damage but when I tariened it to teen it got that fire accuracy and I do not need that should I train this pet or rehatch with my pet that's has pain giver and proff and healing current. and someone please who has double or triple fire damage may hatch with me
Re: I need a pet with double or triple fire damage plz
Kane Lightbringer on Jul 23, 2014 wrote:
I have a blaze beast (gives fire blade) double fire damage (15%) Proof (10%) Pyromania and Fairy. Looking for an ice pet. Or maybe a balance pet.
I have a blaze beast, double fire damage, double resist, and fairy. I was sort of wondering about Kane though because I have a balance pet also, a piranha hunter which gives double resist, double balance damage, and fairy. If either of you has a storm, myth, or life attack pet I'll hatch with you.
Re: I need a pet with double or triple fire damage plz
Hello. I know this is a little bit later but I was wondering, Kane Lightbringer, if I could hatch with your blaze beast? I've always wanted a blaze beast and your pet has some of the talents I desire. I am also willing to gift if necessary, but I truly hope it won't come down to that. Please let me know if you accept and we can discuss meetup.
I will be on pixie realm area one for a few hours tomorrow July 26th and July 27th if anyone would like to add me for hatching. I realize this post might take up to 24 hours to post so I am saying this for tomorrow. I will be in the hatchery from 3pm to 6pm CST. Both days.
Let me know if you would like to meet another way. Thanks.