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How does pierce work?

Jun 18, 2009
I'm confused about how pierce is disturbed to enemies. I have two wands one is 2% universal pierce and the other one is 3% balance pierce. As a balance wizard will the 3% pierce effect all enemies or just balance ones? Which wand is better?

Dec 27, 2014
bubbleslam on May 29, 2023 wrote:
I'm confused about how pierce is disturbed to enemies. I have two wands one is 2% universal pierce and the other one is 3% balance pierce. As a balance wizard will the 3% pierce effect all enemies or just balance ones? Which wand is better?
The universal wand can be used by any wizard to give you 2% piece. The other one will give you 3% from balance only attacks. So for your balance wiz the balance one is the best.