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Where are the Mossbacks (IN ORDER)

Mar 06, 2009
What order are the Mossback quests in? (What order are the places for Mossback quests). If you know please reply sharing the order of the Mossbacks.
Thank you. :)

You must complete these quests, in this order, to get to Oakheart in the Jade Palace. A lot of these quests are the same side quests that you need to complete for the “Wizard Tours” quest or Obsidian Chests quest to get access to the one chest in MooShu.

Cave of Solitude
1. I’m Cursed (from Mossback)
2. Rock On (from Mossback)

Kishibe Village
1. Wear Your Gloves (from Mossback)

Shirataki Temple
1. I’m Cured! (from Mossback)

Ancient Burial Grounds
1. Distressed Earth (from Mossback)
2. Forest Foray (from Mossback)

Village of Sorrow
1. Tainted Forest (from Wavebringer)
2. Forest Spirit (from Wavebringer)

Tree of Life
1. The Great Forest (from Oakheart)
2. Everlasting Forest (from Oakheart)

“Everlasting Forest” quest will give you access to Oakheart in the Jade Palace!

If you are not sure if you have completed any of these quests, or are still having trouble, contact Support with your username and character name and they will help you get moving forward.

If you want the prize, you have to build the ladder rung by rung. There are no shortcuts.
Jul 11, 2009
Mossback won't give me the side quests in Cave of Solitude to get started.