I got into a duel and shouldn't have been, because of the bad graphics. Everything is choppy and not flowing very well, too much lag. I've updated my video cards just like you suggested, but it's still not working very well.
The other areas aren't so bad, but MooShu is not behaving very nicely. I love this game, but it takes a lot of patience to continue.
Please update your side, so us players can continue in a good manner (if that's the problem). I became a subscriber this spring. I have Windows XP Media Center. If I'm wrong, please tell me or advise me.
If your graphics card has at least 512 mb of onboard RAM, then try any/all of the following:
Go to a realm labeled as "Perfect"
Play in a window if you aren't doing so already. If you're playing in a window, you can also try playing with a lower resolution (which will result in a smaller window); this will require less work from your graphics card.
Turn off any other programs and background processes which don't need to be running.
On the game Options menus, try fiddling with each of these:
Graphics Detail: Low Texture Detail: Low Bloom Active: Off Shadows: Off Particles: a low setting on the slider Sound: Off