We have gathered hear today to discuss the topic of myth underpowered attacks. I for one think we should learn ninja pig at level 36 and learn minotaur at level 42 and ditch earthquake to begin with. Minotaur should have a bit more damage however. I would like to hear your opinions on this.
Thank you for your time,
Blaze LionBlood lvl 37, A student hunting for better myth attacks.
I COMPLETELY agree that myth attacks are underpowered and the last minion we get is terrible :-( I have a level 46 myth wizard and I cant take it anymore so I made a death wizard and got him to level 35.... Myth is suppose to be resistant to all shields meaning it takes double shields to stop Orthrus and minotaur... Myth wizards are suppose to survive like Ice wizards... this only happens in DS though were battles star taking forever.... summon minotaur let him get hate and attack I think Myth should get damaging attacks becuse it takes just to long to kill things in DS....
The double-attack spells do need two shields to block, but they also need two traps and especially two prisms to really get good value out of them, because the first hit is so wimpy in comparison. I've actually had many attacks in myth vs myth where the first hit ended up doing more damage than the second, which is not saying much :-(
Actually, the reason earthquake is so weak is because it removes shields and blades. This may not help so much in regular combat, but it's a devastating PvP move.
Actually, the reason earthquake is so weak is because it removes shields and blades. This may not help so much in regular combat, but it's a devastating PvP move.
ALSO removes traps...... weakens or plaugues and INFECTION.... also dispell moves also....... it does not remove positive shields and traps just ALL OF THEM!
The double-attack spells do need two shields to block, but they also need two traps and especially two prisms to really get good value out of them, because the first hit is so wimpy in comparison. I've actually had many attacks in myth vs myth where the first hit ended up doing more damage than the second, which is not saying much :-(
Actually the first attack for minotaur or orthdus caculates on the first attack. i did an experiment where i use minotaur at its weakest and did under 200 cause the first attack only did 21 damage. then i powered minotaur up so the first attack did 149 damage and the second attack did a wooping 1149 damage.