Hey guys, I'm stuck on a quest in tataki outpost. It wants me to destroy eight crates of weapons or something by getting by the guards, but I don't see any crates, and the quest helper just tells me to fun into the middle of the field. Can I have any help? I've considered trying to attack the outlaws or assassins to see if they have any weapons, but no such luck. Can someone help me out? :?
1. Wait a few minutes and see if they come back. 2.(Best idea) Change Realms alot and see if they have crates. 3. Go around the whole Tataki Outpost and see if they have crates.
1. Wait a few minutes and see if they come back. 2.(Best idea) Change Realms alot and see if they have crates. 3. Go around the whole Tataki Outpost and see if they have crates.
well my quest helper did the same thing but what i did was just go against the quest helper. Your quest helper should eventuly be with you instead of going a gainst you.