I have found "secret" spell trainers in Wizard City (fairegrounds and sunken city), Krokotopia (commons portal and Krokosphinx), and Marleybone (digmoore station). However, I can't seem to find any spell trainers in Mooshu, Grizzleheim, or Dragonspyre. Anybody have any idea where spell trainers can be found? Am I missing a second one in Marleybone?
there is also a secret trainer in collosus bolivard ( sry if i miss spelled it ) she is in a house by the spot with mindy pixecrown ( sry have not been there in a while may have spelled her name wrong too ) so if you not been to that trainer go check her out and learn some new spells ( note no spells for death or balance there )
Where is the trainer in Sunken City? By the KT commons portal you mean the one that only sometimes on the island thing by the entrance to Tomb of Storm by all the shops right?
there is also a secret trainer in collosus bolivard ( sry if i miss spelled it ) she is in a house by the spot with mindy pixecrown ( sry have not been there in a while may have spelled her name wrong too ) so if you not been to that trainer go check her out and learn some new spells ( note no spells for death or balance there )
I have found "secret" spell trainers in Wizard City (fairegrounds and sunken city), Krokotopia (commons portal and Krokosphinx), and Marleybone (digmoore station). However, I can't seem to find any spell trainers in Mooshu, Grizzleheim, or Dragonspyre. Anybody have any idea where spell trainers can be found? Am I missing a second one in Marleybone?
no but i think i've seen the mooshu trainer but i can't remember where it is. i haven't seen one in GH or DS. if i find the trainer i'll update it
Amber Sparkleflame lvl 36 Magmus Master(i think correct me if i'm wrong, i dont think there is a mgmus master) working on mooshu right now BYE!!!!!!!
The "Sunken City"trainer you are talking about is just the death tree, you got nightside confused with sunken city and there is also the balance tree Why have you guys been calling night side sunken city
I have found "secret" spell trainers in Wizard City (fairegrounds and sunken city), Krokotopia (commons portal and Krokosphinx), and Marleybone (digmoore station). However, I can't seem to find any spell trainers in Mooshu, Grizzleheim, or Dragonspyre. Anybody have any idea where spell trainers can be found? Am I missing a second one in Marleybone?
In Marlybone there is a spell for each school in the balloon station. it's underground
The "sunken city" trainer was my bad. I meant the death tree in the area outside sunken city. There are no spell trainers inside the sunken city itself. Sorry for the confusion.
there is also a secret trainer in collosus bolivard ( sry if i miss spelled it ) she is in a house by the spot with mindy pixecrown ( sry have not been there in a while may have spelled her name wrong too ) so if you not been to that trainer go check her out and learn some new spells ( note no spells for death or balance there )
To clubpenguinrocks1234 and mosodo there is no trainer in sunken city the trainer you might be talking about is the death tree in nightshade where sunken city is located.
there is also a secret trainer in collosus bolivard ( sry if i miss spelled it ) she is in a house by the spot with mindy pixecrown ( sry have not been there in a while may have spelled her name wrong too ) so if you not been to that trainer go check her out and learn some new spells ( note no spells for death or balance there )
I mean come on sunken city is a dungeon for goodness sake. I really don't think there is a trainer there. But there is one in nightside thats the one you were looking for guys. Its a no brainer question guys.
I have found "secret" spell trainers in Wizard City (fairegrounds and sunken city), Krokotopia (commons portal and Krokosphinx), and Marleybone (digmoore station). However, I can't seem to find any spell trainers in Mooshu, Grizzleheim, or Dragonspyre. Anybody have any idea where spell trainers can be found? Am I missing a second one in Marleybone?
yo guess what there is more trainers in wizard city did you find the one in coll blvd?
I have found "secret" spell trainers in Wizard City (fairegrounds and sunken city), Krokotopia (commons portal and Krokosphinx), and Marleybone (digmoore station). However, I can't seem to find any spell trainers in Mooshu, Grizzleheim, or Dragonspyre. Anybody have any idea where spell trainers can be found? Am I missing a second one in Marleybone?
There is no secret trainer in the Sunken City the secret trainers in Wizard City are in the mini game fairgrounds and Colossus Boulevard.
OK! I'm gonna help get this straight! I just HATE! people fighting over simple things!
@Everyone, you are correct, it is Night Side. And Mortis is the Death Tree and the Death School is there, too. So, I wouldn't call it "secret training". Now Sabrina, I see the "secret" in her! She's kinda tucked away where nobody can find her. Miss GreenStar trains sheilds. The witch on Coulossus(?) has: Reshuffle, Life Trap, a Fire spell, an Ice spell, and a Storm spell. As I feel for the Death, same for the Balance School and Niles. *Any whom dosen't know how to get to the teleporter, please read so you won't ask ever again!* In Krokopotia (The Oais), has a teleporter by the shops; when the the top of the obaliks(?) are glowing, you can go in! If ya go in and out of the shop 5 times, you get the badge "Secret Shopper"! Yes, the trainer, who trains minion stuff, is on TOP of the shop! As for GH, MS, and DS, I would not know. I'm in MooShu, but not that far. DS, IDK! GH, ooh! Not far at all!
-Emma MoonHunter, 43, Ice Flint RainbowBlood, 8, Balance Flint RainbowHunter, 5, Storm Sarah MythHunter, 15(or 16), Death
Just curious; has anyone noticed that there is a house in the shoshun village that apears to have lights on, but you can't go in, or at least I haven't been able to. I wonder if the moderator of the forum can tell us why it is there are so many buildings that you should be able to go into that you can't. Is there something that is going to be put there later on, did they just mess up, or did the person working on that particular part of the game graphics is just having fun with us?
Just curious; has anyone noticed that there is a house in the shoshun village that apears to have lights on, but you can't go in, or at least I haven't been able to. I wonder if the moderator of the forum can tell us why it is there are so many buildings that you should be able to go into that you can't. Is there something that is going to be put there later on, did they just mess up, or did the person working on that particular part of the game graphics is just having fun with us?
If your thinking the one i am thinking of that would be for a life quest for lvl 48 (idk if i am right i did it last week) for the spell rebirth. i will keep my eyes open for the secret shops if i find one thats not posted i will post it.