I beat Mirror Lake, and was hoping to get to Avalon, but I had to defeat a boss in Mooshu with 11,000 health. I happen to be a Balance Wizard and have a hard time fighting solo, so I used a few treasure cards and I also used a Malistare minion which I was hoping not to use so it would be part of my collection. But I also don't have membership and use crowns to buy areas. And I could only spend one hundred more crowns to be able to buy an extra area. But I got one for 200. I actually thought I would win the battle, but then I died. It said either pass or flee, thinking that I would be able to come back, I fled. But then i looked at the marked locations and it turned out I couldn't go back. I was so angry cause I nearly defeated the boss with my henchmen, but then it turned out to be waste of crowns. Can Wizard101 let you port back to your henchmen in a solo boss fighting place so that you can get some health or mana, like the dungeon mark? And can someone give my advice on defeating the boss, cause I really want to move on in my quests and get to Avalon.
Re: I can't beat the boss in Mooshu to get to Avalon
Wizard Man on Jul 22, 2014 wrote:
I beat Mirror Lake, and was hoping to get to Avalon, but I had to defeat a boss in Mooshu with 11,000 health. I happen to be a Balance Wizard and have a hard time fighting solo, so I used a few treasure cards and I also used a Malistare minion which I was hoping not to use so it would be part of my collection. But I also don't have membership and use crowns to buy areas. And I could only spend one hundred more crowns to be able to buy an extra area. But I got one for 200. I actually thought I would win the battle, but then I died. It said either pass or flee, thinking that I would be able to come back, I fled. But then i looked at the marked locations and it turned out I couldn't go back. I was so angry cause I nearly defeated the boss with my henchmen, but then it turned out to be waste of crowns. Can Wizard101 let you port back to your henchmen in a solo boss fighting place so that you can get some health or mana, like the dungeon mark? And can someone give my advice on defeating the boss, cause I really want to move on in my quests and get to Avalon.
As a Balance wizard you do have the shields for this battle, pile them on. My Balance go to spell will always been the Judge and they are Life so no conflict or Spectacular Blast spamming needed. If you do not have Fient you may be at a disadvantage. Use da Hands when you start to get low on health being an over time healing you need to put it out early. I found one hitting bladed and trapped up one at a time easier, remove minion first, a Power Nova could be run also, weakness it leaves is nice to have on them. Settle in for a long fight. Run a short deck with a few reshuffles, if one comes up early on discard it and you should be fine waiting for the second. I didn't need them. Having blades/traps from different gear sources and/or pet helps.
I do tend to buy, if I don't already have them and use Treasure Cards for these instances, feint, spare shields, blades, traps, healing etc..
Re: I can't beat the boss in Mooshu to get to Avalon
This isn't going to be a one time thing. Nearly every boss in Avalon has over 11,000 health. You need to figure out how to do enough damage to beat them. You definitely need feint, if you haven't trained death to feint you need to seriously rethink where your training points went. I recommend wearing a Witch's Star Necklace which gives you an extra hex and balanceblade which are 5% stronger than the learned versions and stack with them. A pet with dragonblade and/or feinting spell would be helpful. Feint treasure cards are helpful, you can get them by raising King Parsley in a garden.
For fighting balance bosses acquire an alternate gear set with high balance resist, as you won't be able to one hit them with judgement like you can the other bosses and need to hold on longer.
Re: I can't beat the boss in Mooshu to get to Avalon
Wizard Man on Jul 22, 2014 wrote:
I beat Mirror Lake, and was hoping to get to Avalon, but I had to defeat a boss in Mooshu with 11,000 health. I happen to be a Balance Wizard and have a hard time fighting solo, so I used a few treasure cards and I also used a Malistare minion which I was hoping not to use so it would be part of my collection. But I also don't have membership and use crowns to buy areas. And I could only spend one hundred more crowns to be able to buy an extra area. But I got one for 200. I actually thought I would win the battle, but then I died. It said either pass or flee, thinking that I would be able to come back, I fled. But then i looked at the marked locations and it turned out I couldn't go back. I was so angry cause I nearly defeated the boss with my henchmen, but then it turned out to be waste of crowns. Can Wizard101 let you port back to your henchmen in a solo boss fighting place so that you can get some health or mana, like the dungeon mark? And can someone give my advice on defeating the boss, cause I really want to move on in my quests and get to Avalon.
You should try getting max Lvl friends to help you if they can port in so then a max fire buddy can use sun serpent like use Crit and allot of blades and traps and stat attack boosts and then Bingo! you're done then do what you need to finish the quest! i could help but i'm on shoshun village so i think i won't be able to help because i got wraith and my life heals are weak so i won't be any use Andrew CrowCaster Lvl 42
Re: I can't beat the boss in Mooshu to get to Avalon
kraken0510 on Aug 17, 2014 wrote:
You should try getting max Lvl friends to help you if they can port in so then a max fire buddy can use sun serpent like use Crit and allot of blades and traps and stat attack boosts and then Bingo! you're done then do what you need to finish the quest! i could help but i'm on shoshun village so i think i won't be able to help because i got wraith and my life heals are weak so i won't be any use Andrew CrowCaster Lvl 42
The thing that makes this battle hard is the fact that youhave to solo it.