The hidden path leads to Oyotomi the Defieler (Death Rank 7) If you are interested in the sword wands, he gives you the life one (i got it! :-p) Hope that helps! -Michael ThunderSpear Lvl 44 Pyromancer
they don't mean where oyotomi is. its true there is no way back there. so why is it on the map. when i got one of the quests where you have to defeat rotting fodders or something like that if you check your map it shows them in that area.
Yes I have noticed this area also and it is behind the DoJo Temple. There is a area back there that looks like leads to another building, but I cannt get through the doors to get to this area. When you are loking at the map it is behind where Usunoki is in the temple. Dose any one know about this area or is it for special quest for school or later in the game. If anyone knows please post
For the last time they are not talking about the path to OYOTOMI. If you check your map you can clearly see a cut off path to the northeast. When you get the quest to kill 10 walking dead it shows that a group of them is on this path, but there is no way of actually getting there.
Yeah i saw that after i got the quest to kill 10 walking dead. But then i checked my map again and it showed that the walking dead were at the bottom part not the top part behind usonoki (idk how to spell it). So not exactly sure what's up there.