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Boss clothing/drops

Dec 29, 2008
I think it has been to long since this post has been added to. So far I still have not found the best death gear, but also Zeke, stopped selling clothing obviously awhile back. I have not played in a year, since they put santa in the shopping district that sold exotic clothing during the holiday's, so it has been some time now - roughly a year or so since I have played. However Zeke only sells mounts now, so are we saying the new treasure boss boxes hold the new items for gear?

Jun 09, 2010
greenboy12 wrote:
UnOwnage wrote:
I was wondering, since I've already gotten done with Mooshu, where are the best boss clothes? I've already gotten the Death sword and robes from Tomugawa, and it just isn't enough for me. I am a death wizard, meaning I want the best boosting clothes for death wizards. My current hit boost percentage for death attacks is 17% and I saw someone with like 40%! And I want what he had, unless they have special clothes for admins/staff?

I just want to know which boss (and where he is) drops the best death boosting/buffing clothes. And I want to try to do this by tonight.

Why dont you try spending crowns to get gear? I think there are clothes in every world that you can buy with crowns. I hope this helped!

I am hoping celestia will sell the level 50 gear.

Jul 29, 2009
Hey, I'm Tyler Fireshard, Lv. 33 thaumaturge. I think you should go to the site called Wizard 101 wiki, just saying. :D Also, what level are you? Did this one person have a badge called "Kingisle Support"? Doing it by tonight would be kinda difficult. Just wandering. See ya in Mooshu!

May 23, 2009
noyeh wrote:
greenboy12 wrote:
UnOwnage wrote:
I was wondering, since I've already gotten done with Mooshu, where are the best boss clothes? I've already gotten the Death sword and robes from Tomugawa, and it just isn't enough for me. I am a death wizard, meaning I want the best boosting clothes for death wizards. My current hit boost percentage for death attacks is 17% and I saw someone with like 40%! And I want what he had, unless they have special clothes for admins/staff?

I just want to know which boss (and where he is) drops the best death boosting/buffing clothes. And I want to try to do this by tonight.

Why dont you try spending crowns to get gear? I think there are clothes in every world that you can buy with crowns. I hope this helped!

I am hoping celestia will sell the level 50 gear.
My bad! I mean there are crowns clothes in every world except for Grizzleheim and I am not sure about Celestia.