Now you only have to defeat Jade Oni, then you can have total fun (if you think it is) in Ds! Personally though I think on a scale of 1 to 10 Ds is around um ... a 4. It is totally depressing! Good luck!
i am on kishibe village and i am almost done with out. on a scale from 1 (being far) to 10 (being practically in ds) what am i? i guess maybe a 5 or something? 6? 7?
i am on kishibe village and i am almost done with out. on a scale from 1 (being far) to 10 (being practically in ds) what am i? i guess maybe a 5 or something? 6? 7?
i am on kishibe village and i am almost done with out. on a scale from 1 (being far) to 10 (being practically in ds) what am i? i guess maybe a 5 or something? 6? 7?
If you realize there are nine adventuring areas and then Jade Oni, you are in area 5.