Is there a second secret boss in Crimson Fields? I ported to a friend who was in Crimson Fields and he was fighting a Ninja Pig Boss. I think it was Rank 7 and I cant remember the name of the boss for the life of me. My friend is a newbie so when i asked him about it, he didnt know. He said he just kept doing what the dungeon told him to do but Ive done that dungeon MANY MANY MANY times and NEVER saw that boss. Dont anyone have any info? Plz post and let me know.
Um, there is another boss. I don't know about ninja pig, but if you raise all of the emporer's flags on the battlefield, you will get a task to defeat this guy. After you defeat him, he turns into war oni, so maybe this was what you were doing...
Is your friend ice? Cause then that would be a school quest boss, this is one of the few in a dungeon. The only secret boss comes out when you raise all the banners (Before the 10 enemies on battlefield quest) and then you get the 10 enemies ... quest he challenges you
No he's not Ice he is Balance and i have a grand balance and i dont remember fighting the ninja pig boss for a quest. I do know about raising the flags to fight Yakedo. O well I guess I'll never know LOL