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game crashing in azteca when ice bosses use an ice hit

Oct 20, 2022
so last night my friend was experiencing a bug in azteca where, when an ice boss uses an ice damaging spell, the game crashes. he had to completely restart it. i had no issue last night, but today i am. the same thing happened to me, i had to completely shut down my game and relaunch it. i'm not sure if it's a specific spell or if any damaging ice spell does it, as my game completely froze before the casting animation went all the way through. my friend is now going through xibalba and said everyone else in his group also crashed when the boss cast a spell. has anyone else experienced this?
we're not sure if it's only in azteca or if it's in other worlds as well, we haven't tested that yet. it only seems to happen with ice bosses, and only with damaging ice spells

May 05, 2021
I'm having a similar problem with the game crashing on an ice spell triggering from an enemy. For me it's with the Blue Razor minion in Khrysalis. I thought it might have been a fluke, but it's happened to my several times now with this specific minion and an ice spell.

Jul 24, 2009
I had a similar experience, During the Morganthe fight at shadow palace, the ice Morganthe casted some kind of ice spell, the moment the school symbol would normally have burst and the spell's animation played both the person I was with and myself were hard locked and had to restart the game. I don't think any crash report was generated or sent as the game didn't really crash per se but just froze completely.

May 16, 2009
dragonriders1985 on Dec 3, 2022 wrote:
so last night my friend was experiencing a bug in azteca where, when an ice boss uses an ice damaging spell, the game crashes. he had to completely restart it. i had no issue last night, but today i am. the same thing happened to me, i had to completely shut down my game and relaunch it. i'm not sure if it's a specific spell or if any damaging ice spell does it, as my game completely froze before the casting animation went all the way through. my friend is now going through xibalba and said everyone else in his group also crashed when the boss cast a spell. has anyone else experienced this?
we're not sure if it's only in azteca or if it's in other worlds as well, we haven't tested that yet. it only seems to happen with ice bosses, and only with damaging ice spells
I have the exact same problem, I think it is specifically the Lord of Winter spell

Jul 18, 2016
I am having the same experience, but in Darkmoor. I think the spell causing this is Lord of Winter, especially when it's used by enemy creatures.

Nov 15, 2010
Since the Novus update, I've gotten about ~20 game crashes questing through Azteca and Khrysalis. It mostly happens when an ice boss uses Lord of Winter, but I just got another crash from Archmagus Lorcan (Galleries) using some balance spell.

Here's hoping this can be fixed soon, this has been very frustrating to the point I've had to start packing ice dispels.

Aug 11, 2018
Hi, adding on to this, my game freezes and crashes when i face the ice bosses, before i made a post about Tymen WhiteFlame, but now i am experiencing the same thing again with the ant lion boss in the kryhisals beach area.

Jan 16, 2010
I can also verify this. This happened to me specifically when Blue Agnes in Azteca cast Lord of Winter. My entire game froze, and I was forced to "x" out to my desktop and go back into the game.

Any word when this is going to get fixed? I'm about halfway through Azteca, and this might make the end of game dungeon almost unplayable with one or two bosses there. Although thank you to the previous poster who mentioned Melt's - that's a really good idea in the meantime.

Jan 21, 2016
I have encountered this same issue in the Last Wood when I so rudely got caught by the ice mobs of that area in Kyrisilas. I know I butchered the spelling of the world name LOL.