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This area is closed rght now

Jun 16, 2015
Does anyone know how to fix this error. It started around 2 days ago. I cant play wthout every load screen saying this error. Making me quit and relog into `the game. Sometimes after I choose my character to play the "entering game" load screen gets the error. I recently just got membership again before this started to happen. My membership and money is being wasted

I contacted support and have not heard anything from them for 2 days. Please someone help.

Dec 10, 2008
I've had similar issues since the new world was brought into the live realm! I haven't heard back on how to fix the issue either. Hopefully it is fixed soon.

Apr 21, 2013
This is getting ridiculous!

I've had to restart my game at least, 20 times a day, due to this bug. I've noticed that, it happens most often, when switching from one cell to another, entering a game, completing a game, or whenever the music changes.

I've tried:

- Turning off the sound, and playing.

- Disconnecting and reconnecting my WiFi.

- Reverting to Classic Mode.

- Rebooting both my computer and my router.

Nothing seems to help. Game just randomly freezes, whenever I walk through a gate, enter a bulding, or change cells, anywhere, in any world.

I suspect it's my mouse working overtime, because I often run using both mouse buttons. It seems to be less likely to glitch, when I'm using arrow keys.

Feb 12, 2021
I've also been getting this issue ever since the snowstorm hit Texas (and I play in Texas). I suspect it's an issue with KI's servers since they're also located in Texas.

There's no other possible reason, because I can play all my other games fine with a consistent connection.

This happens whenever I go through ANY sort of loading screen. Before this, however, I get a series of Error 119's in the game launcher.

I've tried:

Restarting game
Restarting computer
Restarting router
Reinstalling Wizard101

Nothing works on my end at all. A reply or even a KI_Alerts tweet with an ETA for when things will return to normal would be greatly appreciated.