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The most epic mount in the game!

Nov 22, 2010
out of the Gloomthorn pack comes the best, most epic mount, ever released into this game.

Which mount? The bats. A small cloud of bats which, when equipped is all you see. This, to my mind, is fantastic. The character totally vanishes and a little cloud of bats flies around the game, inconspicuous, and fantastic.

I really hope this idea is expanded for all the schools, and not just clouds of school related stuff.

Fire could have a little dancing bonfire that did something when the player was standing still and something else when the player was moving.

Life could be a tree, or a plant, that pulled its roots up to walk, but just stood there looking like a housing item when the player wasn't moving.

Lots of incredible possibilities all of a sudden.

Jan 05, 2014
I have always been happy with a broom. It moves just as fast as anything else and is a good deal easier to maneuver in tight spaces than the big creature mounts. It is, like much of the game, reminiscent of Hogwarts/Harry Potter, which is fine. They aren't particularly impressive, but that suits me, I prefer players to know me for being competent, not flashy.

Sep 17, 2012
I like the crafted school mounts from Aquila, especially the storm one. It's compact, easily maneuverable and doesn't hide my wizard's look.

Aug 03, 2016
seethe42 on Oct 17, 2016 wrote:
I like the crafted school mounts from Aquila, especially the storm one. It's compact, easily maneuverable and doesn't hide my wizard's look.
Do they sell those or is it a drop?

I tried Aquila. Unfortunately we were all about the same level. They were way better players than I am but we still got wiped out in the final battle. And there are not enough wisps in Aquila. I had jumped into a teamup on a whim, and wasn't prepared with refills on energy.

What are some good drops people have gotten in Aquila?

I like the mount that comes with the gem mine pack. But it costs a LOT to dye that horse!

I want a swirling leaves mount. I want one with green and one with autumn leaves. They could do ones for other schools: swirling fire (Fire) or bones or skulls (Death - although someone can use the bats mount if they win it) - I guess they already have a cloud with lightning mount for Storm. What mounts would Balance or Myth use, if they had a small thing that swirled around their feet?

Dec 13, 2014
You can get the cloud with leaves mount in aquila.
Its craftable, the recipe vendor is near the sigil of mount olympus.
Balance one uses sand
Myth idk

Aug 25, 2014
The coconut shells that were released for April Fools a few years ago. I think its called Noble Steed or something. I guess I am showing my age here....

They need to come back when I actually have money!

Aug 03, 2016
Alex Storm on Nov 21, 2016 wrote:
You can get the cloud with leaves mount in aquila.
Its craftable, the recipe vendor is near the sigil of mount olympus.
Balance one uses sand
Myth idk

I will look for the recipe vendor.

I haven't been able to complete Aquila yet.

I've answered teamups a few times but it's always others who are my level or lower, who like myself were hoping a max would join and help us win it :)

May 20, 2010
Until recently, I used a broom, even though I must have 20 mounts in my shared chest. The bigger mounts obscured vision and had no advantages, other than cosmetic.

Now I use the Road Chopper, simply because it's faster than the other mounts. What wasn't simple was getting a permanent one out of the pack.