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Can there be skill/challenge levels for dungeons?

Feb 14, 2010
Hi. My friends and I are adults and have been playing for over 10 years each. We enjoy playing for social reasons and for the fun of seeing the new worlds. We are not inexperienced players, but have become frustrated that some of the bosses have become so challenging that it is not fun for us to play and we cannot make forward progress. I do understand that we could join teams, etc., but as stated previously, we play for fun. We do not mind a challenge, but, for us, this has become not fun to the point that we are seriously considering cancelling our subscriptions. Is there a way to make the dungeons or bosses with variable levels? For example: if I am playing a game such as Kingdom Hearts, I can choose the level of difficulty I wish to play at. I understand it is not an MMORPG, but is there a reason why the dungeons could not have an option when players are going in of "easy", "normal", and "challenging"? That way, those of us who like to finish quests and side quests can move along and still enjoy ourselves while those who prefer the challenge can still have that option. We don't even care if, by going through the easier option, if drops rates are lower or some gear gets removed from the pool outright. We just want to be able to enjoy ourselves, enjoy the game, and have fun again. I don't want to have to depend on finding other players who have mastered a dungeon. That's not my jam. I don't mind a challenge, but some of the bosses have become so difficult that I do not want to have to take all 12 of my characters through them. I want to be able to enjoy the game with my friends.

I don't know if this is possible, but I believe we are not the only players that are considering leaving because this is not fun anymore.

Jan 16, 2010

Which dungeons are you having trouble with? There are lots of people who read the message boards who would be more than happy to help you guys out. With some dungeons it comes down to strategy. Others, its knowing the boss' cheats. But anyone here would be more than happy to help!

Mar 31, 2015
Just to chime in as a counterpoint, the bosses have become too easy (especially in Karamelle).

Pre-nerf Darkmoor was perfect in terms of difficulty and theme, for a then-max level dungeon, with equally rewarding drops. Now the boss fights are not difficult or necessarily fun, just tedious.

The only fights I'd consider hard are the three end-of-the-spiral bosses, and even then its more of a stat-stick than anything else. Give a boss 500,000 health and don't allow blades or traps, and it becomes hard by default.

So I would agree that there should be skill / challenge levels. However, the harder challenge bosses should give better drops.

Examples of 'perfect' dungeons that require actual strategy before joining: Omen Stribog, Pre-nerf Darkmoor (including Aphrodite), The Devourer, Aberrant Paradox (minus unskippable cutscene), Pre-nerf Rasputin, and Hades (Tartarus).