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Very confused

Jun 14, 2009
Someone please help me out here. ok, i'm a level 72 balance. and on the wiki it says I can get the mana burn spell at level 72. but it says I need the availing hands spell to do that. but I can only get that by doing wintertusk which I don't want to do as it is not necessary, then I looked at some other spells for balance and they all require availing hands! is this just a error in the wiki or is it true that I need to do wintertusk if I want to continue getting spells? Someone please help me out here.

Sep 22, 2010
UnBalancedWizard on Aug 24, 2013 wrote:
Someone please help me out here. ok, i'm a level 72 balance. and on the wiki it says I can get the mana burn spell at level 72. but it says I need the availing hands spell to do that. but I can only get that by doing wintertusk which I don't want to do as it is not necessary, then I looked at some other spells for balance and they all require availing hands! is this just a error in the wiki or is it true that I need to do wintertusk if I want to continue getting spells? Someone please help me out here.
Please , Please , Please under stand that just because it's called side quest doesn't mean that you won't need it ....

This is why I stress the point to stop and smell the roses and do all quest all worlds because you never know when it will be a requirement later on ....

Thanks For Reading ....

Aug 18, 2011
Yes, you need to do the school spell quests in order. Wintertusk is a great area anyway. I always do it before Celestia. Lots of gold, exp, and good drops there, so if you do it you won't be sorry.