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Grandmaster pet not what I wanted

May 31, 2009
I reached Grandmaster, got my Helephant pet, Leveled it to anchient and all it gives me is fire shields and 4 in pips. If I wanted fire sheilds I would place shields on myself. The pips I need yes. But how do i go about getting a different pet as a Helephant? One that will maybe give me what I am looking for.
My storm pet gives me 5 or 6 in damage and 5 in pips, now this is a good pet....Was disapointed in this fire pet. Lots of work and leveling only to get what I didnt want. Will try some of my other pets, but I would like to keep the fire with his school pet. I still believe that the best pets a wizard can have is his Grand school pet. I have not gotten to even 5% in pips at anchient, when this was normally given to you at grand master. So I fear more time will be wasted on this pet because at Grand and anchient it has not given the basics of what they normally did.
Sad day for pets..........
I now have started a new pet for my fire, at adult it is giving me more shields, so this pet I will abandon also. I guess when a pet shows signs of shields I will immediately stop training and sell. I can add shields to myself, but I cant add pips and damage, Pets with shields to me are no good. When a pet gives you something you need then this is a good pet. I can buy shields and place them as I need. I cant place Damage and pips on myself.

Jul 04, 2010
The only way to get another helephant with the talents you want is to hatch your original with another fire pet that has the stats you want.

But if you sold your original then you need to hatch one of your current pets with another helephant and hope you get another one to start the hatching process.

Aug 08, 2010
I would recommend hatching your helephant with a sea dragon. I got a helephant with: pip o plenty, may cast fireblade, resist all, and spritely. He's an awesome pet. :)

In fact, hatching any pet with a sea dragon is a great idea. The sea dragon only has talents beneficial to any wizard ( no selfish talents, and no school-specific talents).

Dec 08, 2009
The truth in all of this is that the grandmaster pets really aren't that good. For my storm wizard, I just fought cuthalla and now I am working on getting that pet to epic.. Spritely, Mana gift and storm-giver so far :). I would recommend getting a pet with no selfish talents, that way you are pretty much certain to get a very good ancient or epic pet! Helepant is NOT one of those pets unfortunately.

May 31, 2009
Now on my third pet, I tried the school pet given at Grandmaster, but pips and fire shields is not what I want. Now I hatched the school pet with another heliphant and this hatched pet is showing shields instead of damage and pips.
Looks like pets for fire may be a waste of time and treats, and I may have to get away from the traditional heliphant pet. Shame as I liked to keep things in order. But My fire snake and two heliphants show shields instead of pips and damage... I just leveled my second heliphant to adult and then shields appear. so I stop leveling it.
My other heliphant on my main account has pips and damage, it is a very strong wizard. My storm has pips and damage on his pet, and he is a very strong wizard. I have never felt like shields on any pet was benefical because this is why we carry shields in our decks. We do not carry pips and Damage in our decks.
I will try the sea dragon if I can find someone to hatch with.......

Feb 25, 2010
I wouldn't recommended selling your pets just because they give shields. Have you gotten all the way to epic with those pets? Are you sure they don't give you something good when they do get to epic? You can also use these unwanted pets to hatch and make new pets. If you put some effort into these pets, you might be pleasantly surprised, you know, like when you first get your new puppy and you swear you hate it, until it's trained and does good all on its own. Just saying. Helephants are hard to get for those of us who are not fire, so keep it, even if just as a status symbol. I have no real use for my Hydra, but I earned that pet, and by golly, I'm keeping him!

May 31, 2009
I bought a sea dragon, and have it up to anchient. So far it may cast a sprite, and it does cast a disarm card. and now it is giving me something else that doesnt really help me in my fights.
The sea Dragon is looking like a wash out as it has neither pips or damage for me.... This will be my last attempt at a pet for fire and in future he will just have to do without one. I figure if he cant be strong the next thing is delete him. My other fire on my other acccount has a pet with pips and damage. I know what it means to have it and it is a shame my new fire cant get a pet that has these traits. So I will try again later and maybe get a good fire pet.
If you have high pip percentage and high damage percentage, then this is all you need to walk through this game. If Pips are there then the spell will cast and if damage is there it will defeat......I have no use for shields, or healing or none of the other things pets give. Pips and damage is what it takes..... will try breeding the sea dragon with Heliphant as a last resort, I only sell the pets that hatch and not the original. I breed my heliphant that had pips and damage with the heliphant that had pips and shields, and new pet showed shields and pips like the old one.....
My storm pet gives me 5 in pips and again 5 in pips and then gives me damage...this storm is devistating in a fight. I have never seen another stormzilla like this one, 10 in pips and 6 in damage.

Mar 15, 2009
when you level a pet level your strength/adjility (yea ink spelled it wrong)first or higher then the other skills this should give you a good to hit and pips to your pet.

hope this helps an good luck

OH,death pets seem to level the best balance the worse.

Michael RedBlood death 60

Mar 15, 2009
the sea dragons are kinda cool but so far no hits/pips mostly spells me an the wife have 5-6 of them an they level about the sane maybe just a little difforent from each other but mostly the same.

my fire guy use's his only because his school pet not so good lol my firebat pet is better lol. come with a fire bat card looks cool when its cast.

Michael RedBlood death 60

Jan 10, 2011
Ok, this is for those that think the Sea Dragon is a wash out, mine gives Pierce Train (may cast pierce), Pain Giver (dmg to ALL spells) sharp shot (accuracy to ALL spells) and piercemonger (the card Pierce). I would have liked to get spritely, but am happy with what i got. For an example on what to do with your helephant (considering this is my plan with mine), find another class pet or helephant with spritely (or any pet that has the skill or the skill you want) hatch with it, lvl it to adult and see if you get the skills you want (try for 2 skills you want) then hatch with the Sea Dragon to get the skills you want off it, yes it CAN and WILL take you a lot of hatching and time and training, but thats how it is supposed to be. I have a friend with a 72 pedigree orthrus (the one i got the idea from) and his pet gives him everything he wants. All it is is trial and error till you get what you want. Any pet can give ANY skill if you hatch it right. So the real question is, which pet do you like the most? And are you willing to put in the time and effort to make it into the best it can be?

May 31, 2009
So far no pip boost or damage from the sea dragon. I have three of the talents now and really about to delete the dragon and just stop trying for a pet with pips and damage. The original school pets gave you 5% on pips automatically. But as Game got away from these pets, you now get things you dont want and you have to fish around for what you do want. Sorry I dont play hide and seek. Maybe on my next fire wizard the school pet will be better. Because I have no need for these Heliphants they will go when the wizard goes. If the pet is good I keep but if he is not I get ridd of them, and now I wish I had gotten maybe a storm Hound instead of the dragon.
But what I did learn from all this is, that buying a pet does not make your outcome any better. The Sea Dragon was the first pet I have ever bought and I have been playing this Game for a long, Long time. I wont buy any more.
Yes I will continue hatching with my good pets trying to get the talents transfered. But first sign it is not working , To the Bone yard they go.......
Thanks for everyones input here, but it seems like Buying pets for me will not solve any problems. Maybe just getting new ones and leveling, and deleting until you get what you are looking for.

May 31, 2009
Darkblood1 wrote:
So far no pip boost or damage from the sea dragon. I have three of the talents now and really about to delete the dragon and just stop trying for a pet with pips and damage. The original school pets gave you 5% on pips automatically. But as Game got away from these pets, you now get things you dont want and you have to fish around for what you do want. Sorry I dont play hide and seek. Maybe on my next fire wizard the school pet will be better. Because I have no need for these Heliphants they will go when the wizard goes. If the pet is good I keep but if he is not I get ridd of them, and now I wish I had gotten maybe a storm Hound instead of the dragon.
But what I did learn from all this is, that buying a pet does not make your outcome any better. The Sea Dragon was the first pet I have ever bought and I have been playing this Game for a long, Long time. I wont buy any more.
Yes I will continue hatching with my good pets trying to get the talents transfered. But first sign it is not working , To the Bone yard they go.......
Thanks for everyones input here, but it seems like Buying pets for me will not solve any problems. Maybe just getting new ones and leveling, and deleting until you get what you are looking for.

What is meant by "Spirited" and "Tenacous" as talents in fighting? My spelling may be off. Dont understand how this will help me in a fight. This type pet has shown nothing to me in way of help in a fight.....It is a Dragon I got from a Card from the store, He gives a Balance Blade and these two other talents but I dont know what Spirited and Tenacous is........

May 31, 2009
My new pet I have leveled up past adult now and have three talents, Durable, Spirited, and Tenacious, none of these traits will help me in a fight as it gives me no card, or pips or anything, this pet is fit for delete. Unless someone can explain how these traits will help in a fight......This pet came from a Card from the game stop store. I thought it might be a good pet, but so far one last trait to show and it probably wont be of help in a fight also.

May 31, 2009
So far this dragon from the game stop card has not given a card or pips or damage, or anything that I can see will be beneficial in a fight. Tenacious, crafty, spirited,and I think one trait is "Bold" anyway I cant see what this has to do with a fight when you are trying to hit an opponent. Now a Blade, or a trap, or a sheild, but this, Nope, cant see how it helps.
This is where the game needs to go more in depth of why you have pets that show these traits. But so far the whole Pet thing has been a guess work. Even the book in our backpack Leaves us wondering and does not give enough Info. Cant see the benefit of breeding these pets as they offer nothing to use in a fight. The dragon will be deleted, waste of treats.......

Jun 06, 2009
i have 2 accounts , a fire on each - the older account -all elephants-including hybrids- give pips only by adult, the 2nd account- virtually all give something to power; i have other school mixes that give NOTHING and i have them to ancient - and will not waste time with them at this point- i have learned , for myself at least, if there is nothing given at teen, odds are nothing at adult - and after that for sure i get nothing

sea dragons - i have 10? from trying to hatch with others or trying to hatch my second account, i finally won one for the 2nd account lol, anyways, NO spritely in the bunch (so far), all are trained to adult, 2 looked promising (one on each account), starting out with power/damage, then resistance, and accuracy , the other one gives tower shield, accuract, and power- these are acncient and slowly working to epic
since my storms have least health- each uses one; i have tried to hatch one sea dragon with grimtooth , got dragon on this first try (hatches later today), my gromtooth is probably the best hybrid i have , it is ancient, gives good myth attributes (accuracy, power, casts trap)

i have trained 10 jellyfish to adult and nothing worth it there to make me consider going further

But I have fun experimenting and hope to do more, CL is a gold mine, i easily earn 20 thousand in the 2-3 hours each evening i can play, so i hatch alot lol

keira of many legends

Community Leader
This is why Pet Pavilion was created. If you don't get the correct talents you want, you can ALWAYS hatch it with a pet with the talents you wanted.

I worked so hard on hatching and raising pets especially focusing on giving them talents I need. I now have so many pets that I love. Especially ones with both Spell Proof and Spritely amongst other major talents. If you want certain talents on a certain pet, you must WORK hard to get to it. You don't just get or buy a pet and expect it to come out just the way you want it. It takes MULTIPLE tries.

As for "lesser" talents, for instance, my Earthwalker has both Spell Proof and Spritely but as well as Tireless. The Tireless talent raises the Earthwalker's Strength and Agility. This might sound worthless to you, but not to me. That minor talent has boosted my Spellproof from 9 percent to 11 percent.

Read up on talents, be patient, hatch some more, don't give up and in the end, you will get the pets you wanted.

Patience is a virtue. And again, remember, you are NOT supposed to get talents so easily and definitely NOT supposed to have a Perfect pet right away.

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