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Whisper Inbox

Sep 20, 2009
So I'm gonna start this out by saying I've been playing this game nearly a decade and I've always wanted to be able to whisper my friends even when their offline! Then when they login they would get a notification saying they have a whisper in their inbox. This is probably one of the simplest quality of life changes to implement, yet will improve the enjoyability so much!

One of the best things about this game is that you can meet new people and adventure together!

One of the hardest things is finding someone to maintain questing with, since communication is limited to when we are both online. If I could leave a message to my friend's inbox telling them what quest I left off on, and vice versa, we would be able to stay in sync way more! This would definitely lead to people being more engaged in the game and spend more time questing than ever!

It would just be great in general for everybody who wants to stay connected to their wiz friends, whether it be for questing, coordinating pvp tournaments, hatching together, or whatever! Especially since not everyone's schedule can always be consistent haha.

Hopefully you take this into consideration as it will definitely benefit everyone and make people more engaged in the game than ever! Thanks for reading :D

Jun 17, 2012
I agree that this idea would be marvelous. I live in USA and frequently quest with a friend who lives in Romania. If we had this feature, it would be much easier for us to schedule time to spend together in game. It would also prevent wizard friends from growing apart when they don't see each other for a while.

One thing I have done to help me keep track of my friends is to use an Excel spreadsheet to list each friend with the details of how I met them, when, under what circumstance, (were we introduced, did I meet them in team up, did they friend request me when I was AFK, etc.). This helps in other ways too. When you meet a wizard and make a new friend it is a great feeling. More often then not your new friend has other wizards which you eventually meet and also befriend. Sadly, if they play on several wizards you can forget they are the same person and therefore ignore them when they come on, (by not saying hello, not actually using the ignore button) then the friendship can suffer. If you track who they are, you can then add their other wizards' names as you meet them and keep it all together. It has certainly helped me.

Aug 03, 2014
I've said it before that as long as it had a toggle on/off so we could select which friends it applied to it would be great and could also help to keep younger wizards safe because they would not feel a need for out-of-game connections. It could reduce sharing of personal info and banning/muting of accounts etc.

The reason I'd want it to be toggled on/off for specific friends is mainly because it could be irritating to come on to discover 20 new messages all from the new young wizard you've recently added asking for help because they're scared to try a dungeon alone...and by the time you even read their messages of 'help' and 'port' etc they've discovered they're more capable than they thought and succeeded without the friendly max wizard who is helping them with hatching jumping in to 'save them'

Avoiding irritation is essential to maintaining the enthusiasm and patience to help