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Nov 22, 2015
No response to this thread, so I'll post it in a more popular board.

Where do the onis come from in MooShu? I don't remember if this was ever revealed.

Nov 22, 2015
Any response is good. For example, do you remember this ever being revealed?

Oct 27, 2009
I don't recall if the MS oni source was revealed, but there was one in Ravenwood that was summoned there. It was a kind of demon summoned from another place or plane of existence. It didn't sound like it was grabbed out of MS.

In mythology, oni are bad spirits that can look like many things, but have horns, or another feature, that what they appear to be ought not possess, or the wrong number of eyes,ears etc.. We are used to the elephant with horns, but it could be other things, dog with a beak, a duck with eight eyes or fur. Who knows? Feel free to chime in if you know more about this, or if I got anything wrong.

I assume that the oni in Mooshu were summoned there from another kind of existence by magic users. We sure ran into our share of bad wizards that would set such things loose, unless they were able to sneak there on their own with the emperor ill and the elementals unbalanced.

Jun 06, 2008
Librarian Fitzhume reminded me that Kogasha has some interesting dialog in the Tower of the Helephant . . . something about the "star-fields of Yago"? Maybe that's a clue? Interesting!

Jul 24, 2015
Dworgyn on Jan 17, 2017 wrote:
Librarian Fitzhume reminded me that Kogasha has some interesting dialog in the Tower of the Helephant . . . something about the "star-fields of Yago"? Maybe that's a clue? Interesting!
I love game lore like this.

Oct 27, 2009
Oops, did I say Ravenwood? I did not mean to say that. The summoned oni I mentioned was in Grizzleheim in an ice cave near the Coven.