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Please add a compliments section where we can praise KingsIsle.

Mar 19, 2011
Please add a compliments section where we can praise KingsIsle.

I like complaining as much as the next wizard, but even I can't be grouchy ALL the time. And this is the season to be grateful, after all.

Science says that gratitude is good for us and I think it would be good for morale if there were a section where we can do “happy talk.”

I have a lot of compliments about our game and it is hard to find the right place to say them.
We could say things like:
"Thank you for fixing that Ravenwood bug that has been bothering me for years."

Or "Wow, you made that spell even prettier than it used to be."

I am bursting with compliments for the KI team and for my fellow players.

Please let me unleash my compliments.