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Accuracy on spells for lower level wizards.

Feb 14, 2009
I've notices that when casting spells as a low level wizard, I fizzle a LOT, which is a given since we are not given 100% accuracy as low level wizards, but I've noticed something...

As an Ice wizard, I have 80% accuracy on spells. I've noticed that I've been fizzling almost every other cast on an 80% accuracy spell. So I decided to go into unicorn way and test out my accuracy a few times with Ice Beetle. I casts 20 times and these were my results.

7 fizzle
13 casted

This means out of the 20 times I casted, 53% of the spells did not fizzle. I was just wondering if anyone else is skeptical about the accuracy, or if I just got really bad luck.

Feb 14, 2009
53% is a wrong percentage. The actual percentage is about 65% chance of me not fizzling.

Feb 14, 2009
I just ran across another thing regarding accuracy on lower level wizards. I fizzled an ice trap, which is a 100% chance of not fizzling. The crazy part is I know for a fact I did not have any mantles, or any spells that would have made it so my accuracy would go down. I believe this proves my theory that the accuracy on spells are not what they actually say, especially on lower wizards. I've asked around and people seem to have noticed this too. Hopefully this gets looked into. It's not game-breaking, but can be annoying.