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all of the stuff i payed for on my account is gone

Oct 15, 2017
where did it go and can I get my stuff and wizards back??

Aug 03, 2014
wyattbobby83 on Apr 20, 2019 wrote:
where did it go and can I get my stuff and wizards back??
You'll need to contact support for this! support@wizard101.com (or through clicking the contact us button on the website).

Let them know your account username (not password)

Brief outline of what has happened, include dates if possible.

List of what is missing to the best of your knowledge.

Support will send an automated response to the email associated with your account (make sure the email address is up to date and check the spam box if you do not see the message). This usually sends shortly after you submit your message. This is NOT the response from KI, it is simply letting you know they have your message and will deal with asap.

Keep your eye on your emails for any messages from KI just in case they ask for further information. As this sounds like a big/complicated issue it is likely they may need more info from you.

Once the problem is resolved KI will send you an email letting you know what they've done and the outcome etc. Remember that support are not 24/7 and sometimes issues take a little while to sort out, so be patient if it's not resolved straight away or if it takes a few emails back and forth to establish exactly what needs to be done.

Good luck, let us know how you get on!