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Spell Suggestion

Jan 01, 2010

This spell is a rare (like elucidate or simplify), 2-pip, sun school spell.

It allows for the combination of two non-damaging, non-item, non-pet, non- treasure cards, with a potential single target resulting in a single treasure card. Although ineffective in combat, this spell’s benefit lies in that treasure cards are created.

Because treasure cards may not be combined, and the result is a treasure card, the resultant card may not have indemnity or aegis applied.

The order in which cards are combined, and the effects take place, is important. For traps, the order of combination is prism, power (decreasing), and school. Thus, in the event of an ice prism with an ice trap, an incoming ice attack would trigger the trap before the prism, Conversely, in the event of an ice prism with a fire trap, an incoming ice attack would NOT trigger the fire trap. For wards, the order of combination is power (increasing), school. Thus, in the event of combining a -50% tower shield and a -85% storm shild, an incoming attack would trigger the tower shield first. For blades, the order of combination is power (increasing), school. Thus, in the event of a +25% balance blade combined with a +40% life blade, the balance blade would be triggered first. For combinations of blades and wards, the blade is first.

The name of the resultant treasure card is the names of the two cards, separated by &, i,e, Ice Trap & Ice Prism
The pip cost is the combined pip cost +1. Examples include: Storm Trap & Feint, pip cost 2, Fire Trap & Fire Prism, pip cost 1, Feint & Feint (non-stacked), pip cost 3.

Jun 10, 2012

first, that's a good spell idea personally i don't think i gonna have a great utility of this spell but maybe in PvP that could be useful.

But i have another spell suggestion for PvE:

i read on a blog (don't remember if its final bastion or swordroll) the idea of upgrade spells from actual form to the current TC version (phoenix to grand phoenix;banshee to forsaken banshee) that could be great (that don't replace old spell and that should be no PvP)

the evolution could be:
-increased base damage
-add a secondary effect
-reduce pip cost
-increased base accuracy

or something more original like:
-change school of damage(a stormzilla that hit moon damage)
-possibility to divide the damage(like 4/1 mirage spell)
-a mix of a bigger positive effect and a lesser negative one(add a trap but less damage)

there is already different tc from a same spell so why not the possibility to have different choice.

Kane GoldenFlame,Half-god of the Storm