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Equipment Balancing

Sep 18, 2011
You know how some equipment will give your character extra health? Well, I have noticed that the "Ice School Only" equipment gives a large amount of health, whereas the "Storm School Only" equipment gives not very much. I honestly think this throws the game into somewhat of an unbalance, because that means the Ice wizards are effectively never going to be defeated, but the Storm wizards will be defeated quite easily. What I propose is that the Storm equipment gives the Storm wizards more health, because they really need it. In a similar flip-flop, the Ice equipment shouldn't give the Ice wizards so much health, because they seriously don't need it all that much. I mean, they have so much already, do they really need more? Just wanted some people to ponder this reflection.


~ Balthazar (online alias)

Oct 24, 2010
CynicalOstrich on Nov 6, 2012 wrote:
You know how some equipment will give your character extra health? Well, I have noticed that the "Ice School Only" equipment gives a large amount of health, whereas the "Storm School Only" equipment gives not very much. I honestly think this throws the game into somewhat of an unbalance, because that means the Ice wizards are effectively never going to be defeated, but the Storm wizards will be defeated quite easily. What I propose is that the Storm equipment gives the Storm wizards more health, because they really need it. In a similar flip-flop, the Ice equipment shouldn't give the Ice wizards so much health, because they seriously don't need it all that much. I mean, they have so much already, do they really need more? Just wanted some people to ponder this reflection.


~ Balthazar (online alias)
That's not so. It may not seem fair, but look at the damage Storm spells do compared Ice, it all balances out. All schools have 'good' and 'bad' points. Ice is the 'tank' and is meant to have more health than any other school, starting at the beginning of the game and continuing on.

May 22, 2009
Ice School = high health and low hits.

Storm School = low health and high hits.

There is a balance there. Storm is the school where you hit fast and hard. Ice is the school where you take the hits and whittle away at the enemies health. Ice needs the extra health for staying power just as storm needs the extra damage for quick kills

Hannah Lifebringer level 80 Life
Hannah Stormthief Level 80 Storm
Hannah Storyforge Level 80 Ice

Feb 29, 2012
Speaking as a Storm man wizard this isn't wise. If you use the cards you have with good damage you sjould be out in no time anf have good health as well.

Feb 07, 2011
All of the above are true~ my level 21 Ice has more than my level 64 Storm has for health, but Storm's damage boost is currently 85%... Ice is lucky to get half that number. My archmage Ice friend has a 42% boost, but she's put a lot of time into finding the right gear (a boost of 20-35 is pretty normal for Ice).

Any school can be powerful in the right hands.

archmage sorceress & necromancer

Nov 19, 2009
No, your suggestion will throw the game out of balance .