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Side Quests and side worlds

Mar 21, 2016
I started a new character, who is a storm wizard and is currently level 42, and almost done with dragonspyre. I have done only story line quests, no side quests at all except most of wisteria and 2 or 3 side quests in mooshu and dragonspyre. I personally think that I am behind based on my progress, and my level, but I don't know honestly. My question is if you only do story line quests only, and no side quests (even though I did most of wisteria) or side worlds (grizzleheim, wintertusk etc...), will you be able to reach prodigious in the final world when you get to it?

Apr 10, 2013
The simplest way to say it is yes, you will reach prodigious someday. But through personal experience and reading forums, I am gonna tell you that you will regret that decision for a very long time. One person example of mine would be GH, when I was about lv61 in Celestial and I was starting to have trouble. To be honest GH is probably my least favorite world in the game, but after beating I realized how valuable it was because Celestial was a breeze after beating it. Trust me, do side quests, because in the future when you reach Azteca, Khysalis, ect. (The "impossible" worlds) you are gonna need all the help you can get. I also have a storm wizard who is lv70 right now, and he beat DS at about lv49, and he is doing great. To sum it up, if you don't side quests now, you will be "grinding" out all that work for probably a week, trying to catch up for when you reach a higher level.
Justin GoldenStone, lv70