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3 Recommended Pets for Balance School Noobs

Aug 05, 2013
There are lots of reccomendations for balance school pets. Really, there are a lot, but here are some


1. Clockwork Spider|AKA Spider Golem: This pet is great because its first generation Add Balance & Unbalance. Unbalance can give you up to 14%+ balance resistance. Add Balance gives you up to 9%+ max balance damage. It can really make a difference in who will win and who will lose. Also at Epic( baby -> teen -> adult -> ancient -> epic) it gives a Clockwork Spider card that can remove any universal auras casted by other schools.

2. Flamenco Tocador: It is op but costs some arena tickets. It has may cast Unbalance which makes a balance wizard fizzle with a dispel balance and may cast a balance blade. It is really great! The best part is, is that the may cast Unbalance and Balanceblade(the may cast move that may add a balance blade), is first generation! May Cast Balanceblade is Epic! Literally! And Flamenco Tocador is the only FIrst Generation pet for Unbalance. It costs A LOT of arena tickets though. 6000 to be exact and a Warlord only gets 28 arena tickets. For each WON battle.

3. Balance Armaments: This is sold by Diego the duelist at unicorn way for 2,000 arena tickets. Its op. It has OP first generations such as Defender, which gives up to 42 max Critical Block. Another first gen is Pip O' Plenty which gives a chance that you may get more power pips. Another is Balance Assailant which gives up to 42% more chance of critting on a balance spell. ANOTHER FIRST GEN oh my is Balance Dealer that gives up to 13% more balance damage per spell. ANOTHER FIRST GEN is Balancespear which pierces through shields. A pierce percentage of 6%! another first gen is Critical Striker which gives up to 40% universal critical chance. another first gen oh my... is Sword and Shield which is a maycast to cast a random shield of any school except balance and a random blade of a school. Another first gen is Balance-Sniper which gives a 13% max accuracy for Balance. oh my thats Enough!

Hope you enjoyed this guide that took a long time to make. Good luck!

Devin SkullStone Balance wiz lvl 75
currently having a bad time with Loremaster