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Low rank vs High Rank, Low lvl vs High lvl

Oct 24, 2009
Okay, in ranked PvP.. I am getting tired of this issue. KI, stop.. please..
On my master balance (Level 45) [I use my balance wizard because I think it's the most powerful and best defender out of all of my wizards.] I signed up for ranked PvP, hoping to find a oppenent (I am at rank Knight) that matches my Level and Rank. "Yes.." Got matched with a Sergeant. (Level 35) *two minutes later* "Nooo..." Just got killed by a spell that doesn't belong to him (out of his school)
Round 1:
Lowered to Sergeant. (He levels to Knight. Why....."
Fine, try again.
Paired with a level 29 Corporal. Brings out a minion and immolates me. Dead.
Round 2:
Whew still a Sergeant.
Must win next time.
Fought a level 28 Sergeant, same school. Died of Judgement, bad luck searching for tower shields and absorbs.
Round 3:
Today's my unlucky day.
Down to Corporal.
Wow, lost 3 times in a row. Hmm try again.
*presses accept*
I'm just a corporal ... and my opponent is ... Warlord???
Man he is a near Legendary.
Fought him 2 rounds.. Back to Private.

I've been trying again and again.. I get paired with Warlords that are beyond my rank and level. KI please do something to get us paired fairly and evenly..