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PvP Strategy......

Aug 28, 2010
TravisAK posted a reply/comment to a posting, and it
made me realize something. You do need a solid strategy in
PvP to move up into the upper ranks. I know what you thinking,
"who didn't know that already". I know, but his posting made me
realize what Strategy means, and I had a limited view of it.
Maybe I still don't know all the angles, but this did
open my eyes a bit.

It's not just getting the correct cards in the deck,
having the best gear, knowing your school
spells and the the spells of other schools, etc.
You got to have more than that to be a consistant winner.
It's obvious to me, that when Travis posted his reply,
that this is what he was telling me.

After reading his comment, I then realized, that two
people have already posted PvP strategies for the rest of us.
One being Darthjt and the other is Solstice64.
In fact, that's why I think that Darthjt has posted
the different PvP senarios, asking what your strategy
would be.

If anyone is having a hard time in PvP, go back and
reread all their postings, and I can tell you what you
will get from it.

1. How to set up your deck, card by card (if you are Ice).
From that, you should be able to set up your own deck for
any wizard. The size of your deck, and when to reshuffle.

2. What gear to buy or craft, especially for your Ring and Atheme (sp?).

3. That your strategy will have to change between 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, etc.
What cards you play, the sequence that you can try to play them in.
Plus what defense, what order you accept, etc, all play a critical
part in winning in PvP.

4. You have to not only know your own School spells, but the
spells of all the other schools. You need to know the number
of Pips that each spell can be cast at. You need to know
what spell is most likely going to be cast at you, and try
to time a counter, or at least be prepared for it.

5. The different Strategies that are played with different
combinations of different players. Which can hit harder,
which have a better chance to win over others, etc.

6. How spells can be put into Combos for the best overall

7. What spells can be used to boost your current combo for
a large damage hit, in the shortest time. So you need to know
how much damage each boosted spell will do, knowing the resist
of other players, etc. You need to take that Wizard out, and you
need to know what spells can total to do it.

8. How to time your spells, so that they are geared towards
PvP and not PvE.

9. What other school spells can do, and what they take, or
leave on you, after the attack.
The posting by these guys tell you how to be prepared, and how
you should be set for these attacks, if you read the details in them.

There is more, but I will stop here before this get's way too long,
but I did want to "thank the three of you for your posts"... they have
helped everyone who reads this PvP section. If they are just
trying to improve or for those that have complained of not being
able to win.

Joseph LionHunter.

May 10, 2010
Excellent and well thought out post. Yes, there is a lot to look at and know before you can truly make a good strategy! There are also a lot of variables that you have to think about and be able to counter.

Best advice there is, know your school, inside and out. Know your opponents school inside and out. Anticipate what your opponent might do and counter it!

Finally, be ready for anything.

With the new amulets that will be released soon, there will be a whole new dimension to the game, that will change PvP forever!

Dec 06, 2009
"Experience in Battle takes time ... Time in Battle takes experience. Force your opponent's strengths against him, and you shall always win. Never be merciful ... that can only lead into overexcessive pride and foolishness. It is never the brawn that overpowers the brain, it is the brain who overpowers the brawn. And when things look as if they are in their last, never give up. That shall conceive your personality through your well being of Fighting. Luck may spring up from the littlest of things ... it would be up to you to take advantage of that little piece of luck."

- Oran Titanrider

Jan 05, 2010
Things get complicated in high end pvp. A well trained wizard will almost never cast a level 8 spell with 8 pips as it is predictable and easily defended. The pip cost for successive spells (combos) must also be considered, if your opponent has collected more than five power pips chances are he is setting up for something. Always good to be random as to not create a pattern with your turns, like poker a seasoned warlord can spot your pattern and pick you apart the next time he fights you as he can plan around your strategy. Create your wizard with an off school name with similar health and avoid wearing you school colors, for example firewalker for a myth as to disorientate you opponent in the first ten seconds to prevent a gear switch. What some people overlook is that a legendary fire who knows his opponent is another fire can successfully switch gear In the first ten seconds to get 86% fire resist so perhaps a red flaming robe is not the best choice. Be prepared for anything, in a hard match lasting two and a half hours your opponent can count your balance blades and weakness spells after the first reshuffle and a well timed balance dispel can prevent you from reshuffling when he/she knows it's your last balance card. This is more than a game to some people. Strong pets are needed, take the time to breed a beast because if you show up at warlord match with a plain school pet be prepared for your opponent to have 15% more resist than you

Aug 28, 2010
Posted by TravisAK,
"Strong pets are needed, take the time to breed a beast because if you show up at warlord match with a plain school pet be prepared for your opponent to have 15% more resist than you."


I have to laugh at this part of your posting, and not because it's funny. I've spent a ton of gold (in hatchings) and still can get my pets to breed a good pet for PvP. Doesn't seem to matter what I breed, (starfish, Sea Lion, etc), or what talents are listed. One or more of the other six hidden talents always show up, and all I can do is laugh about it........ (not to mention all the Mega Snack packs that I have purchased from my allowance). All my Wizards feed one Wizard gear for gold and snack packs for the hatches.
If I get Spritley, I don't get anything else I want. If I don't get Spritely, then good stuff may show up. I can never get the gobal defense to show, ever.
Maybe just hatch after hatch of bad luck, but after 27 hatches, you expect something would finally show up...... always gives me a good laugh.

On the road to PvP, with no good pet.....

Apr 18, 2010
I think I should say this...
Every word of your post is correct, even though you never stated this, a wizard can overcome any wizard, as in anyone can beat a fire wizard in 1v1. The fire wizard will have an advantage over you, but it can be overcome. The reason why I would say something is overpowered (in my example, fire's advantage in 1v1) is becuase maybe the person fighting the fire wizard has more wisdom and skill in pvp then the fire wizard, but the fire wizards advantage may allow him to over come it. The reason why this upsets me is becuase your win/lose ratio and rank should be based upon your skill, not from some advantage you found (chain stunning, smoke screen chaining, etc.) or what school you chose.

The point of my post is that the imbalances in pvp play a role, but strategy plays a bigger one.


Jan 05, 2010
Joseph, my pet took about 20 hatches to manifest the talents I desired here's exactly what I did. I had a giftcard flamezilla with the very powerful attack card but it did not have the talents I needed to compete in high level pvp. I bought a few sea dragons until I got one with the right talents, sea dragons have a higher pedigree and have the best boosts and resist so I would suggest you use that to breed with your pet that you want the talents manifested in. Also it's 72 pedigree will raise that of your pets for higher resist once you get spell proof. The trick is using the offspring from your hatch to breed again and never the parent, so each time you must use the product of your hatch to try again. You get a mix of ten talents so after you reach epic in your pet you can only see four out of ten talents that your pet has, spellproof mAy be in your new pet just not uncovered so next time you hatch you'll have a higher chance of getting it. Every hatch what is happening is that you are slowly thinning out the original talents of you pet and replacing them with the ones you want. Repeat this process over and over again and I promise you you'll get what you want. Once I got spritely, proof, firegiver and pips I bred with a magma colossus to replace the pips for spell defy which gave me the extra five resist. That can be your next step. Requires much time and patience. Good luck Joseph