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What can be done about this, and how to do it

Aug 28, 2010
I was in Celestia last weekend, and in a Pve battle with two of the fish. Another player stepped in to the ring and brought in a third fish. After the third fish came in, the Player fleed. This happened again with the same player about 20 mintues later. I lost one battle but I was able to win the second. Either way, in my opinion, it wasted a my time, and it was a dirty trick to pull.

This Saturday, I was again still in Celestia, and the same thing happened, but this time it was two different players. As soon as I saw the second player flee, I fleed to so I could report him. I was too late, by the time I fleed he was gone.

Does anyone know if KI will do something about this, if I report them?
If not, is there anyway to stop this from happening over and over?
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

Joseph LionHunter.

Nov 11, 2008
If you report them, I think it would be a false report.

Feb 25, 2010
I'm not sure this kind of sniping is reportable. Annoying, yes. But if you look up Zeke's posts, he'll give you a list of reportable offenses. There are only a few options that we players have. We can flee. We can stay. There are a handful of pranksters that get their jollies from doing this sort of thing, and you are not the first to complain about it, and given that there are a lot of folks out there who have no manners to speak of, you won't be the last, either.

Feb 28, 2010
Nope, it's not a reportable offense, and if you do, then you can also be reprimanded for false reporting. You should take some time to read what a reportable offense is.

Lion359 wrote:
I was in Celestia last weekend, and in a Pve battle with two of the fish. Another player stepped in to the ring and brought in a third fish. After the third fish came in, the Player fleed. This happened again with the same player about 20 mintues later. I lost one battle but I was able to win the second. Either way, in my opinion, it wasted a my time, and it was a dirty trick to pull.

This Saturday, I was again still in Celestia, and the same thing happened, but this time it was two different players. As soon as I saw the second player flee, I fleed to so I could report him. I was too late, by the time I fleed he was gone.

Does anyone know if KI will do something about this, if I report them?
If not, is there anyway to stop this from happening over and over?
Any suggestions would be really appreciated.

Joseph LionHunter.

Jan 26, 2011
At the present time, nothing much can be done about this mean-spirited behavior but to change realms to get away from them.
It's becoming more common, and I hope there is a solution in the works for it.

Unfortunately, some people get their kicks out of ruining everyone's day. They're looking for a reaction from you. Don't give them the satisfaction.

As to the report, I believe KI can only see the text and not actions for reports. I could be wrong there, as everything you do is a part of your file.

The best you can do is first take your hands off the keyboard, turn the air around you blue, and then hop realms.

Jun 04, 2010
SpringRains wrote:
The best you can do is first take your hands off the keyboard, turn the air around you blue, and then hop realms.

LOL! Now that's funny. Can I feel free to use that in future conversations?

For Lion, I completely agree with SpringRains. Now that you can no longer flee through the crown shop, changing realms after sticking it out or fleeing is your best and only real option.

Jul 27, 2009
when it happens to me i hit the "M" key and quit game i go the select page.. then start tapping the home key and reenter the game-- normally i end up at my house or dorm room. then i just go outside and catch wisps then go back.
and change realms then I go back into the fight.

it i fear it may happen a gain,,, i go to the far end of the list some where

Feb 25, 2009
Unfortunately, this is an ongoing problem. My sister and I have had it happen to us a few times in Celestia as well. Luckily, we were fighting together and although one of us has died because of it, we were able to port out to heal and right back to help each other finish the battle.

There have been a few times that one of us has inadvertently been pulled into a battle not intending to be there, but when it happens, we do not flee. Infact if it happens to me, my sister will join the battle to help or the other way around so that we don't leave someone in a battle to fight extra enemies. It is the right thing to do. We also apologize when this happens. Of course we are adults too so we hope that if we are fighting with younger players they will also learn not to flee if it happens to them.

As has already been posted, this is not a reportable offense. I don't think KI can do much about that issue. As SpringRains as said, there are those that like to pull pranks and ruin the fun for someone else. Your best bet is that the next time it happens is to change realms before you go back to that battle. The only way it can happen then is if that person happens to be on your list. I have had that happen too and they are immediately removed from my list when they do it.