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Real Unfairness !

Jan 04, 2011
The only REAL unfairness is that players in Canada had to settle for Gift Certificates instead of Gift Cards.

Gift Card pets are Dragons, Giants and give cards like Dragonblade and Infection... Online Certificate give what? Ice Elf? Santa's little helper?

Bring out the Dragonblade ! Or at least give a few pets that we can choose from when we buy the gift certificate. This idea DIRECTLY increases the income of Wizard101, I don't see why it's not implemented. Imagine if there are 6 good pets to choose from... I have 2 Wizards that need one each and my other family members need a total of 3. I would kinda have to at least get 5 certificates ! Seeing how buying more crowns give a better deal... People might just get 60,000 * 5 crowns !

The Ice Elf is kinda like a slap in the face and disencourages people from buy Gift Certificates. Most people would like hold their certificates uncashed hoping for a better pet after Feburary 15th...