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message to text chat players

Feb 01, 2010
i am sick and tired of text chat players still talking in text when we say sorry i don't have text chat. text chat players when someone says they don't have text chat it means they don't know what you say in text chat to us it just looks like this ... just 3 little dots so please from now on when someone says they don't have text chat use menu chat to talk to them

Joseph Lifehammer level 46 life
Joseph Thunderblade level 30 storm


Aug 14, 2009
No offense, but you really didnt have to put a thread about this. I am text chat and I try my best to talk to menu chatters with menu chat, its hard since I barely talk to them. Or people are just lazy to say something in menu chat. I think KI should add more to the menu chat because sometimes, When I have to talk to someone in menu chat, its hard.

Aug 15, 2009
well dot dot dot doesnt mean they are actually talking to or about you. menu chat is a good way to duck tape a kids mouth shut on the play ground but leaves them a language barrier that most text chat people dont want to use or learn. its too bad menu chat isnt used just on people as punishment cause it isnt age but how people act that counts right.

May 06, 2010
yeah, it gets annoying some times but you don't have to blow your top. Kane Hexflame lvl50 fire

Feb 01, 2010
no i mean like i have some friends with text chat but they never talk to me in menu chat so either they are talking to me in text chat or they aren't talking to me at all and i think that they probably talk to me cause explain me being in a dungeon with only one other person and they are only talking in text chat when i say i don't have text chat

Sep 11, 2010
The problem is that menu chat is very limited. It's okay, if you want to say "I need healing", or "I got the boss". But if you are trying to say "Don't use ice on the boss", or "The next part is a solo battle", or for that matter "The place you're looking for is in [location]"...

I only use menu chat when I absolutely have to. It is too complicated to try and shift through all of the possible messages and figure out which one would best convey "You can run around the mobs if you stick to the sidewalks" otherwise.

For many people, it is also a LOT faster to type, even when dancing around the filter to find acceptable synonyms for various tactics, directions, or the number of fights coming up. Text chat is therefore easier to use than menu chat.

Sep 25, 2010
Bookshelvings wrote:
For many people, it is also a LOT faster to type, even when dancing around the filter to find acceptable synonyms for various tactics, directions, or the number of fights coming up. Text chat is therefore easier to use than menu chat.

Very true.

What the ...is up with not being able to use numbers? It seem a ridiculous waste and a barrier that is just hateful to players. It reminds me of the Apple store app approval process.

My actual question though is what's the actual difference between regular text chat and adult? Still can't use numbers, still can't say the same things as before with regular text chat.

Could someone who really knows explain this?


What the ...is up with not being able to use numbers?It's statements like that, that reinforce why we need different levels of chat for different age groups.

The information you seek is in the Player Guide, and I'll elaborate here.
Menu Chat: This is also referred to as "bubble chat". It is completely safe and all players may use the Menu Chat.

To use Menu Chat, simply select the Chat icon from the upper left corner of your screen.

Players who have been muted for inappropriate chat will find themselves restricted to Menu Chat for the duration of their time with Wizard101.

Text Chat: This is a form of chat that allows you to communicate with other players by pressing the Enter key and typing words from our dictionary.

The key here is 'words from our dictionary'. The Text Chat is based on an inclusive dictionary of words. We have chosen to not include numbers in that dictionary (either short or long form) to prevent people from easily exchanging information such as addresses and phone numbers. Exchange of personal information of any kind in our game is a ban-able offence.

Attempts to circumvent this chat filter can result in a permanent Mute of the account, see Menu Chat.

18+ Open Chat: 18+ Open Chat allows players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players.

This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.

Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.

Aug 14, 2009
Professor Greyrose wrote:
What the ...is up with not being able to use numbers?It's statements like that, that reinforce why we need different levels of chat for different age groups.

The information you seek is in the Player Guide, and I'll elaborate here.
Menu Chat: This is also referred to as "bubble chat". It is completely safe and all players may use the Menu Chat.

To use Menu Chat, simply select the Chat icon from the upper left corner of your screen.

Players who have been muted for inappropriate chat will find themselves restricted to Menu Chat for the duration of their time with Wizard101.

Text Chat: This is a form of chat that allows you to communicate with other players by pressing the Enter key and typing words from our dictionary.

The key here is 'words from our dictionary'. The Text Chat is based on an inclusive dictionary of words. We have chosen to not include numbers in that dictionary (either short or long form) to prevent people from easily exchanging information such as addresses and phone numbers. Exchange of personal information of any kind in our game is a ban-able offence.

Attempts to circumvent this chat filter can result in a permanent Mute of the account, see Menu Chat.

18+ Open Chat: 18+ Open Chat allows players a more open communication environment with other 18+ players.

This chat will be filtered for profanity. In this channel, when players type their text they will see 3 colors in the chat window: white means 13+ can see it, yellow means only 18+ can see it, and red is completely filtered.

Our terms for in-game communication with other players will remain the same. Violent and abusive behavior, as well as the exchange of personal information is still not acceptable.
Hey Professor Greyrose, I feel like a little kid because of text chat because you can type in stuff, but you can only say little things like ingame stuff. For example, I can't say a famous band or say something like slang. All I can say is:

Ingame stuff
Ask questions

Can you add more onto the tect chat dictionary?