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Question for Game..Please give some reply ;)

May 31, 2009
In Ironworks, when you go through the wharehouse and you are confronted with a code to open the door to continue the quest, There is a second door there also. It also has a code to open it. Only there is NOTHING behind the door but other doors that dont open.
First I thought this was used for special school spell quests, But I have Grand Mastered all the wizards and this empty door with a code is not used.
Please tell me why or for what reason this door is there and not used? Did the game have future use in plans? Or is it there just to make us curious and drive us nuts...LOL Just a Place that gets my curiosity up every time I go there.

May 27, 2009
I think it's just a red herring - a dead end. Possibly someday there will be a goal, but for now, it's just to make us go "Hmmm?"

Mar 27, 2010
Darkblood1 wrote:
In Ironworks, when you go through the wharehouse and you are confronted with a code to open the door to continue the quest, There is a second door there also. It also has a code to open it. Only there is NOTHING behind the door but other doors that dont open.
First I thought this was used for special school spell quests, But I have Grand Mastered all the wizards and this empty door with a code is not used.
Please tell me why or for what reason this door is there and not used? Did the game have future use in plans? Or is it there just to make us curious and drive us nuts...LOL Just a Place that gets my curiosity up every time I go there.

Go into your quest pg in your notebook. there you could see what quests you did and what you still have to acomplish

lvl 39 pyromancer
Hunter Wild Horn
see you in the spiral!!! :-D :-D :-D

May 20, 2010
It's possible that it was going to be used for something that never materialized. Or it could be there for curiosity's sake. I've read that people who have grandmasters (level 50+) in all seven schools have never had a quest requiring the second door.

A+ Student
Jan 05, 2009
As the games increases in content, play areas are revisited and used for quests at higher levels. So far as I know, no quests through level 60 use that door........yet.

But, a lot of things were reused or used for the first time once DS opened, and when CL opened the same happened. (Did anyone hear that yappy dog in Regent's Square until CL opened???)

Mar 27, 2010
colagada wrote:
It's possible that it was going to be used for something that never materialized. Or it could be there for curiosity's sake. I've read that people who have grandmasters (level 50+) in all seven schools have never had a quest requiring the second door.

"WOOOOW", are you kiding. When I had the quest, I finished it the same day. My lvl 60 friend had the quest, he finished it also. Dont make yourself the wise guy,SERIOSLY. And stop being so stubbern.

Hunter Wild Horn and Mathew Boom Hammer
lvl 39 lvl 60
"With friends everything is possible"