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Can't get to grunk?

Jul 24, 2010
I'm trying to finish up Katzenstein's Lab and I got all the way to the part where Watson asks you to talk to Grunk. When I tried opening the gate with the last code I recieved that supposedly opens it, nothing happened. It made the sounds like it was actually moving and everything but the gate appears to be shut and I can't get through. It also won't let me try to activate the plaques. I've tried logging in and out, leaving the dungeon, etc. but so far nothing has worked... Can someone please help??

Natalie Silverleaf, Level 30 Magus Theurgist

Mar 12, 2010
iconic97 wrote:
I'm trying to finish up Katzenstein's Lab and I got all the way to the part where Watson asks you to talk to Grunk. When I tried opening the gate with the last code I recieved that supposedly opens it, nothing happened. It made the sounds like it was actually moving and everything but the gate appears to be shut and I can't get through. It also won't let me try to activate the plaques. I've tried logging in and out, leaving the dungeon, etc. but so far nothing has worked... Can someone please help??

Natalie Silverleaf, Level 30 Magus Theurgist

Wow. There is a similar post to this one and it is under "Defeated Firegut..." in this section of the message boards.

If you are sure that you beat the two bosses first, Firegut and Clanker, and the second combination still won't open the gate, then you should send a note to Help And Support to report the bug.

If you try it again, and you did defeat the two bosses and the second gate opens okay, remember to look for the 5 chimneys to turn off on your way to the main lab/Grunk. You have to turn off 5 chimneys before you can get into the lab.

Hope this helps.