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Krokotopia arena

May 10, 2010
I'm in the arena and the arena master is MEGA annoying! He keeps sending me to defeat stuff. I have a quest to defeat Bort Mallet- something. He is super hard! I keep getting defeated! How do I defeat him!

May 20, 2010
If you're annoyed with this quest, you'll get more annoyed as the game goes on.

Anyway, Bort Malletmane is a Myth enemy, and his minion is Balance. I'm assuming that you are an elemental wizard (Fire, Storm, Ice). If they're giving you trouble, go to the Bazaar and buy some Myth shield treasure cards (the 90% variety) and put them in your sideboard.

Jan 29, 2009
lexi3223 wrote:
I'm in the arena and the arena master is MEGA annoying! He keeps sending me to defeat stuff. I have a quest to defeat Bort Mallet- something. He is super hard! I keep getting defeated! How do I defeat him!
thats the point,instead of complaining thiink of a stragity

May 10, 2010
Jul 06, 2009
Hi, it's been a while since i did that quest but the best you can do is have good attack spells or shields. I've also found that you might win if you have friends helping. It's best if they're life or death for healing. Elemental and myth wizards if you're aiming for attacking.

- Savannah Nightsong
level 28 Necromancer javascript:emoticon(';)');