It's called, Into The Map Room. It says you have to Explore Staff on Platform in Map Room. It's in Krokotopia>Pyramid of the Sun>Palace of Fire>Throne Room of Fire. I went on top of the platform, and nothing is showing up. I'm guessing there is an item I have to obtain, or something, but nothing is showing. All help is appreciated.
After you defeated Prince Manu Nirini and Krokenkahmen,the quest giver will tell you go up onto the platform. You have to go all the way to the front and the game should place the staff for you.
yeah uh someone else went into the dungeon and beat me to beatin him cause i got stuck in combat then i died and i went back and he was already dead so i guess it bugged cause it told me to put the staff in its place and well i went ahead and beat the boss even though he was roaming around instead of being in his usual place but it still didnt give me anything and tried moving all over the platform did nothing even tried logging out and relogging still didnt nothing what do i do -.-