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Forgot to poison!!!

Apr 22, 2009
Well i did the quest killed the head guy but forgot to poison his help. We whooped em even with his guards( hehehe), but that part of the quest remains open. How do i fix that since i have already completed that world and the next?

Dec 02, 2008
Go back and poison the food, perhaps? You can sneak around Kiwu to get to the food without fighting him again.

Sep 20, 2008
akm009 wrote:
Well i did the quest killed the head guy but forgot to poison his help. We whooped em even with his guards( hehehe), but that part of the quest remains open. How do i fix that since i have already completed that world and the next?

I think I know which one you mean (in the Tomb of Storms?); and I missed it myself the first time around. The "poison" in question is applied to the table behind that one Mander you should know about already. You can avoid the combat by hugging the wall to the left very closely. Once around to the table, you see the use "X or Mouse" prompt like when you talk to an NPC. Do either, and its Quest Complete...

BTW, do that first, and the guards surrounding him are AWOL when you fight the Boss directly....
Scarlet SkullHammer (Death 39, Black Cat Pet, "Shadow")