Hi. Sarah SunFountain, level 27 Pyromancer speaking. This is my 1st post. But enough chit-chat, let's get down to buisness. I need HELP. You see, I need to defeat Aka kahanahn. But how do I open the door??????????!!!!!!!!!! I've tried pressing x, going up to it, clicking on it, but NOTHING WORKS!!!!!!!!! Did he lock it? Do I need a key?
Hi. Sarah SunFountain, level 27 Pyromancer speaking. This is my 1st post. But enough chit-chat, let's get down to buisness. I need HELP. You see, I need to defeat Aka kahanahn. But how do I open the door??????????!!!!!!!!!! I've tried pressing x, going up to it, clicking on it, but NOTHING WORKS!!!!!!!!! Did he lock it? Do I need a key?