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Castle Tours Probelm

Mar 05, 2011
Imma try to explain this as best I can lol. But I have gaunlets in my storms house and whenever I'm on another char trying to have either my other account or a friend join me to do a gauntlet the "this character is busy" pops up. I've tried switch limit home to friends off, doesn't work. How do I make it so other can port while Im on a different character trying to go to my house?

May 27, 2013
The way I have solved this in the past is to have the friends (or characters on a secondary account) befriend the property holding character, then port to that character on their property. Once your friends are there, change characters to the character you want to send through the gauntlet. Now port that character to the friends which are already on the gauntlet property.

It is a bit of a pain, but has worked for me in the past.