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Crowns Giveaway Code Redemption Overuse

Apr 20, 2023

We were recently alerted to a Crowns giveaway code that was able to be redeemed more often than it should have. Oops, our bad. The code is 9426D2L74763N4M3L38Q and was quickly disabled to prevent further excessive use.

Accounts that redeemed the code only one time will be able to keep their Crowns. However, accounts that redeemed the code multiple times will have the excess Crowns removed.

If you were gifted items that were produced from the associated Crowns, they may be removed.

Don’t worry, we are not planning mass sanctions. However, accounts found to have clearly exploited the code excessively will be sanctioned.

If you have any concerns with your account regarding this code, please contact Customer Support: https://www.wizard101.com/CustomerSupport/game

Thank you for understanding, and for those who redeemed the code honestly, enjoy your Crowns!