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You learned a new spell! wont pop up on my screen!

Dec 12, 2017
I don't know if it is a bug or if KI removed it but the you have learned a new spell pop up never shows on my screen. I've tried creating a new wizard to see if it won't pop up for them and sure enough it doesn't. Please get back to me if this is a bug or it's been removed!

Jan 18, 2010
It's not a bug. It's just an update made by the game.

New spells learnt will now show as drops from mobs, or rewards seen when you're given something. The name is still there for the new spell learned so it's not a big deal really.

Jan 02, 2011
Hi there!

I think it's been not showing up for all players. Including myself and some Youtubers. Whenever I go up to a teacher to officially learn the spell the message does not show up anymore. You're not the only one, so there's no reason to stress about it

Hope this helped!
Jack Legend
Ice Wizard

Dec 12, 2017
Alright, thanks guys. I appreciate it greatly!