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Wizard ban question

Jun 25, 2009
So i'm not banned im asking for a moderator of mine on twitch.
He got banned awhile back.
Yes I know what he said was bad yes I know he deserved it. Im no defending him on that.
Hes wanting to get back into wizard again he had a couple exalted wizards and he misses playing the game
So he created a new account and it says invalid username or password everytime he tries logging in.

So my question is
Is this issue a random bug or is he computer banned?
Hes not ip banned as he can hop on his brothers pc and it works just fine
He is also using windows 8.
Any information would be gladly predicated thanks!

Jun 25, 2009
So we got it to work again.
What happen is we did a fresh install and and disable the antivirus
After that we got a new error saying it couldn't download due to permission we had to over write
Now what had happen is the game was attempting to install into \ProgramData\ instead of program files
and now it works
Hope this can help someone else!

Jan 18, 2010
If he's having trouble logging in onto his new account, then he can try to "create a new password"

If that's not the issue, then he can try contacting support.
