The Wildfire Treant spell steals charms from all enemies, but is it supposed to steal negative charms as well? Who wants to use a spell that will possibly place a weakness, infection, or dispel on you if you use it?! I hope this is a bug -- If so, please fix it.
The Wildfire Treant spell steals charms from all enemies, but is it supposed to steal negative charms as well? Who wants to use a spell that will possibly place a weakness, infection, or dispel on you if you use it?! I hope this is a bug -- If so, please fix it.
It's like sirens or leviathan: they only deal with positive charms, not negative ones. So using the spell will not put debuffs on you.
You misunderstood my post. If you test it, you will see that the Wildfire Treant TC spell DOES steal negative charms as well. I was asking if it is supposed to work this way, or if it is a bug.
You misunderstood my post. If you test it, you will see that the Wildfire Treant TC spell DOES steal negative charms as well. I was asking if it is supposed to work this way, or if it is a bug.
You misunderstood my post. If you test it, you will see that the Wildfire Treant TC spell DOES steal negative charms as well. I was asking if it is supposed to work this way, or if it is a bug.
No, I didn't~ you asked if it was supposed to steal debuffs, and I said no; where's the misunderstanding?
I tested the spell myself before replying to your post, and I had no problems with it; it took only the charms, just as it should (at least according to the card description, as a debuff is a trap, not a charm). One of our experiences is a bug, but only KI knows for sure which one is.
You need to read more carefully Dr. Von. I never used the term "debuff" in any of my previous posts. I asked if the Wildfire Treant TC was supposed to steal negative charms, which I mentioned it DID in my very first post. You replied saying it only deals with positive charms. Therein lies your misunderstanding.
Here is what happened: I placed an infection charm on a friend during a PVP match with her. Then I used the Wildfire Treant TC spell the following round, and it stole the infection charm from her and placed it onto me. I only wanted to know if the spell was supposed to work this way or not.
Thank you RavenLady777 for giving me a clear answer.
You need to read more carefully Dr. Von. I never used the term "debuff" in any of my previous posts. I asked if the Wildfire Treant TC was supposed to steal negative charms, which I mentioned it DID in my very first post. You replied saying it only deals with positive charms. Therein lies your misunderstanding.
Here is what happened: I placed an infection charm on a friend during a PVP match with her. Then I used the Wildfire Treant TC spell the following round, and it stole the infection charm from her and placed it onto me. I only wanted to know if the spell was supposed to work this way or not.
Thank you RavenLady777 for giving me a clear answer.
A "negative charm" is called a debuff; they are the exact same thing.
And, as I mentioned, I tested the spell myself and it took only blades- not the weaknesses I stacked on the enemy; ergo, in my use of the spell, only charms were affected. Just as Enfeeble, Leviathan and Sirens remove blades, but not Infection, Black Mantle, or Weakness.
Misunderstanding or not, I think you need to cool down and not get snippy when someone tries to help you. Just because you don't like an answer, or you don't understand it, doesn't make it "wrong".
This spell steals infections, weaknesses and dispels, as well as blades. I have seen it do this Dr Von. I just want to know if that is how it is supposed to work, or if it is a bug.
Unless you test the Wildfire Treant TC spell in the same manner as I've described in my previous post, any response you give is irrelevant and invalid.
This spell steals infections, weaknesses and dispels, as well as blades. I have seen it do this Dr Von. I just want to know if that is how it is supposed to work, or if it is a bug.
Unless you test the Wildfire Treant TC spell in the same manner as I've described in my previous post, any response you give is irrelevant and invalid.
Have a nice day :-)
LOL. Cool your jets there, hotshot. If all you wanted was for someone to agree with you, then you should have just said so in the first place and we could have avoided all of this.
I don't need to PvP to know how a spell works. When I did my test run, all I did was let the enemy blade, put a couple of weaknesses on him, then cast the wildfire treant spell; weakness is a debuff, just like infection. And no, they did not get put on me when I removed all. So, as I said, one of these is a glitch, either yours or mine. But only KI knows how the spell is "supposed" to work; they did create it, after all. So, unless they plan to contribute, I don't suppose we'll ever really know.
With that, I have nothing more to say to you, as trying to help someone who clearly doesn't want or appreciate it is like having teeth pulled.
Btw, you may want to check your ego at the door when asking for "help". Something about catching flies with honey, and all that jazz.